Chapter 7~

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A/N: mask here ^ does become important later in the chapter and story. Have fun reading :)! Edit: (Idk where it went lol, I'll replace it later)

By the time the nurse left the room, Eri had fallen asleep peacefully. Kyojuro notified Shinobu that a new shirt was to be made for her since the one she had got destroyed. He walked into the room and saw her laying on her side with her unclothed, but bandaged chest mostly covered by his blankets. Her hands were next to her face which looked peaceful. Kyojuro noticed her breathing had evened out and didn't sound so deathly, which he was glad about.

The girl they had invited in followed Kyojuro into his room and saw Eri sleeping peacefully. She watched Kyojuro lean down and place a gentle kiss on her forehead and sat down in front of her. "You can come closer, she usually doesn't wake up because of simple talking." Eri instinctively moved to be closer to him, but her breathing was still even. He placed his hand in hers, and entwined their fingers. The girl saw it and thought it was a cute that he worried for her and that she wanted to be closer to him. She hoped she could have a relationship like that one day.

"Does this happen often?" She asked completely unaware of everything he knew about Eri so far.

"From which species are you talking about? Humans or demons?"

His voice was calm and more concentrated on Eri, "so both are constantly after her?"

"For different reasons, but I believe so. As for the humans, though, their want for her to be burned at the stake diminishes after they see her true nature as you saw today. The demons, however, don't stop coming. They follow her and try to take her back to where she once was."

The girl gave a nod and went silent for a moment. When she finally spoke, it was a genuine question, "How did you two meet? Your relationship is adorable..."

Kyojuro smiled sadly, "I actually put a sword to her neck the first time we met. My Tsugoka was on the ground bleeding to death and she was telling him how to stop the bleeding. I assumed she caused the injury and threatened her life." He sighed, "then she simultaneously saved my life and my Tsugoka's by attacking one of her own kind. Truly a unique character indeed. Bold too."

"That's quite the start, Rengoku-san." The girl giggled and Eri smiled in her sleep.

"I suppose so, she also fell asleep on me the day after. She's really trusting, I hope I deserve it."

The girl smiled and laid a hand on his shoulder, "you do deserve it, and I believe she knows you do as well. I'm Harito, by the way." Kyojuro smiled widely and gave a nod.

It was dark when Eri woke up once again, and she saw Kyojuro sleeping in an upright position with his fingers entwined with hers. Then her attention was pulled to the girl that was leaned on his shoulder also asleep. She didn't want to wake them, but a sharp pain in her back made her gasp waking both of them. The girl jolted up with a bright red face, and Kyojuro was leaning down to make sure Eri was okay.

"What happened, are you okay?!" He asked a bit loudly.

She nodded and sat up, "I think the knife somehow injured my spine." She said investigating the wrapping around her chest. "Who wrapped this? They did an excellent job..."

"One of the family nurses. She heard you were injured and followed Senjuro in here figuring you would prefer another female wrap you instead of a man." He admitted and watched Eri stand up and crack her back to hopefully reset her spine. He heard it crack several times as she stretched and Harito looked horrified. The last crack the two heard made Eri wince.

"There we go, all better." She said brightly giving a thumbs up. "Is your arm okay?" She asked, completely unashamed of her exposed stomach.

Harito looked stunned at first but gave an awkward smile, "Thanks to you it is." Eri looked genuinely confused. She turned her head and pulled her hand up to her chin in thought.

The Demon's Sun (Kyojuro Rengoku x OC)Where stories live. Discover now