Huma: Promises pt 2

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👑💙: Hi, it's me: Evie & this is....

👑❤️: I'm Aria + our friend: Mariah gives u...

👑💙&❤️: Huma:Promises pt 2!!!

🐙🐠: I hope u enjoy it!

Uma: *wakes up & sees her mermaid friend* Hey Melody, Good morning.

Melody: *smiles brightly & looks at her sea-witch friend* Hey, Uma!

Uma: *looks at her friend & confused* Ok, melody why r u so happy well I mean happier than u r.

Melody: Oh, nothing I'm just curious on what happened yesterday.

Uma: *rolls her eyes & looks at Melody* Nothing happened, ok?

Melody: *smiles & looks at Uma* Oh, well okay.... C'mon, let's ready go to class.

Uma: *confused & raises an eyebrow* Uh, alright.... *her thoughts: Why did Melody ask me about what had happened yesterday? Is she curious about the kiss b/w (between) me & Harry or it's something else. If it is the kiss, maybe or not besides, the kiss wasn't that great anyway*

Melody: *confused & waves her hand in front of her friend's face* Uh, Uma r u ok?!

Uma: *looks at Melody & blinks (x2) then feels her face turns red* Huh, yeah I'm fine....

Melody: *looks at her & smiles* Well, ok let's go we don't wanna be late....

Uma: *confused & looks at Melody* Late for what?! Melody it's Friday, what's so important on a Friday!?!

Melody: *turns around to Uma & grabs her fish purse* Don't u remember that after school we're meeting up w/h Mariah, Harry, Tahini & Gil for ice cream + an talk in the cafeteria for some reason.

Uma: *her eyes widened & nervously laughs* Of course, I've remember. *her turns red & her thoughts: No, I don't remember that crazy conversion b/c of that stupid kiss!* Anyway, let's go! *grabs her mermaid by the arm & runs out the door*

Melody: *confused & feels her sea-witch then follows her* Whoa! Uma what's wrong?!

Uma: *looks at her mermaid & let's go of Melody's arm* I promise, N-nothing wrong w/h me?!

Melody: *confused & walks to her 1st class* Uh, Ok well see ya after school.

Uma: Yeah, see ya Melody.

*After school*

Mariah(me): Hey, everybody!

All but Mariah(me): Hey Mariah/Mari!

Tahini: So, what we doing today?

Gil: Yeah.

Melody: Well, we're gonna get ice cream & then go to the cafeteria for some reason.

All but Harry & Uma: YAY, ICE CREAM!!!

*Later at the ice cream shop*

Melody: *smiles* Mhm....I love ice cream!

All but Harry & Uma: Me too!

Both: *sits down on the bench & grabs their ice cream then looks away from each other* ....

Harry: ...Hey Uma, I'm...

Uma: Let's not talk about that, Ok?

Harry: Yeah, Ok....

*Later at the Cafeteria*

Melody: Idk, why r we here again?!

Harry: Oh, u 4 aren't here for anything but Uma & I came here to talk.

Mariah(me): Yeah, but why did u say that we were goin' to the cafeteria?

Harry: I'm gonna tell u 4 later, Alright!

All but Harry: Ok!

Gil: See ya Harry!

Harry: See ya Gil.

All but Gil & Harry: Bye Harry!!!

Harry: See ya girls!

Uma: *confused & looks at her 1st mate* Uh, hey why did the others leave?

Harry: Oh, yeah nothing really I think they were just tried after we got ice cream.

Uma: Ok, well what r we doing here, anyway?!

Harry: We're here to talk that's all...

*After that*

Uma: Well see ya later Harry!

Harry: Bye Cap'n.

🐙🐠: Hey guys I'm finally done with this chapter. Sorry that it took me so long.

☠️🗡: We hope u enjoyed it!

👑🐙: We'll see ya in the next one.

🐉💜: We love all of u!

All: Bye!!!

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