The Reveal

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Beacon Academy...

Ozpin was inside of his office, as he is seen drinking his cup and sitting on his chair. Glynda is seen beside him, waiting patiently for the Rose family to come visit them.

"Will they really accept what had happened to their son?"

Glynda spoke out to Ozpin. The Headmaster of Beacon Academy than sipped his drink, as he spoke out.

"I'm certain of it. They just need to time to process the information inside of their heads."

After waiting for a few minutes, the elevator door opened, and the Rose family appeared. Summer Rose is looking a little frustrated, as she began to speak loudly at him.

"Ozpin! We have been looking Everywhere for Aurora! Why isn't he found?!"

Ozpin than spoke out to her, in a reassuring voice.

"Summer, listen to-"

"NO!!! I'm done listening!! We have been searching around for him, as you said that he was alive!! Why isn't he found?!"

As she shouted out, Ruby than spoke out to her.


Summer than looks at Ruby, who than softened her expression.

"What is it, Ruby?"

Ruby than took a deep breath, and than spoke out.

"We...we encountered Aurora before."

Summer was shocked.

" did?!"

Summer spoke out to Ruby. But than, Ruby looked down and spoke out.

"He...wasn't the same as he looked."

This made Summer very confused.

"What do you mean?"

Ozpin than stood up, and spoke out.

"Your son...was able to inhabit the body of an Atlas Knight-135, by the time he...'died.'"

This made Summer looked surprised, as she spoke out to him.

" is that possible?"

Summer couldn't believe it. Nobody has ever inhabit a robotic body before. So how can this be possible? Ozpin than looked at her, blankly, before speaking out.

"It turns out that your son has a semblance to possess anything that is machine. When your son's body died, he was able to transfer his aura...his consciousness to the machine. Thanks to that, his own will was able to survive."

Summer was shocked, and was even more when she realized something.

"That robot...the Atlas Knight that we encountered underground...was that...was that him?!"

Summer spoke shocked. Ozpin nodded.

"Yes. Apparently, he was able to mimic the behavior of the Atlas Knight to make himself look convincible. It was the way he took punishment, the way he was able to fight that let the entire facade go."

Summer was shocked. But than, Raven walked towards him and spoke out.

"That doesn't make any sense. If he can transfer from machine to machine, how is it that we haven't caught him?"

Ozpin than spoke out.

"That's the thing, Raven. He is so quick that we'd be unable to catch him. Which is why we prepared a body to catch him in."

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