Battling White Fang and Unwanted Reunion

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It has been months since he had spared the Faunus going by the name of Blake. After going back and copying the data on his computer, he began to think about the fight with Blake.

"That tone...when she shot me where a human's heart would be had triggered a type of verse king state on me, reminding me of what Taiyang did: almost trying to kill me. Did the shooting...made me go out of control...because of how immense my hatred is to the family itself?"

As he began to think about it, Emerald called out to Aurora, shouting his name.

"Hey! Aurora! Can you turn the elevator on?! It seems to be shut down now!"

Breathing in, than out, even though he's no a machine, he gets up, and goes to where Neo and Emerald are at right now. He than used his Techno Mania to make a hard-drive, and reactivated the elevator again. The wall of the living room opens, revealing the elevator.

"Thanks, Aurora."

Aurora looks at her, before responding.

"Your welcome, Emerald."

She nodded and smiled, before going into the elevator, pressing the button inside it, and went down to spar. As he looked at where Emerald had went down to, he than walks away. He than calls to Amber.

"Hey, Amber. I'm going to head out for a bit. Need to get myself to someplace to look a a view of sorts to feel calm. Can you let the others know when they go back to where you are, please?"

Amber than response with.


He than spoke out.


He than walked out of the door, and closed it, while locking the door itself. As Amber looks, she sips a cup of tea, than looks down at her reflection.

'Cinder...she is still out there, looking for me still. But Salem must be very upset when she heard what happen to her mission. Well, good. I hope she is angry at what has occurred, now that I have someone to guard for me entirely. will fail completely.'

Back with Aurora, he is seen waking to a type of dock with large crates from the Schnee Dust Company. The Schnee Dust Company, he hated those people. The company almost took away the place that his parents worked at. But thankfully, his father was able to intervene and block out the place that they worked on for so long. The Schnee Company Owner, Jacques, wasn't at all to happy, and tried to sue it. This act failed as well, and instead, the company got sued when they had accidentally damaged some people when they had forgotten to lock away all the explosives fire dusts that had been set off.

So basically, the family got lucky when that didn't work. The Schnee Dust Company...not so much as lucky. They were forced to pay the damage that they had caused to both the people present and in their own building.  It was hilarious for his family to see, but Aurora didn't laugh, because he is rather unsure at what was happening in the first place. How they forgot to lock it is unknown to him. They possibly did it to try and framed the family, or it is something else. Most likely, it's the former.

But as he is walking around, he than heard some strange noises. Guns and explosions. He than turned to where it was coming from. It was at the east side. He turned around, look towards the direction, and took off, running to where it's exploding.

In where the battle is taking place, there are faunuses from the White Fang itself. Many of them are getting cargos from the Schnee Company. They are battling Blake Belladonna and her friend.

 They are battling Blake Belladonna and her friend

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