Evolvutionizing Combat Humanized Observer

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Aurora was now back in his usual body, the body of the Atlas Knight-135, clearly. He was looking at the strange machine that he has inhabited.

"I wonder what to do with it? Do I give it sentience by giving it an A.I...or do I simply use the body as if it's my own?"

As Aurora began to speak out, Amber than cake next to him, and spoke out.

"Aurora, we're ready for the machine that you brought us."

Aurora turned and nodded, understanding. He than turns around and goes to where the machine is located in. The pod was sealed shut. But it looks as though the people that made the pod, never thought of giving it an opening. This is possibly the dumbest thing that the scientists may have done in their lives. Unless it's for something else.

Vision is looking down at the pod that Aurora brought. As much as it looks like there is nothing special in it, Vision could tell that there is something mechanical that is inside of it.

"Creator. What is this pod?"

Vision spoke out to Aurora. The machine-possessing boy sighed, as he spoke out.

"We found this at a labratory. It was called 'Project E.' It was similar to you, as project V. So I assume that it could be a type of Android that is similar or different to you."

Vision nodded, as he looked back at the pod.

"What would we do if there is something wrong with the Android?"

Aurora looked at Vision.

"Than we'll in a diagnostic to see what the problem with the Android is."

Vision nodded, as everyone looked at the pod.

"Right now, we need to find a way to open the pod."

Aurora than began to look around, as he tires to find an opening to access. But there was no visible one to even be seen. As he kept looking around, he noticed that there's nothing.

"Nothing. It looks like the person that designed the pod hasn't thought of how to open this gods-damned pod. I need something that will help me open the pod."

Aurora than went through the toolbox to find something that could possibly help his situation

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Aurora than went through the toolbox to find something that could possibly help his situation. He saw some screwdrivers, and used them to try and find if there is some screws to get out of the pod he is opening.

He looked and saw that there is a flat-lined hole, and stuck the screwdriver inside of it...only to be met with a high-power shock to the face.

He than dropped to the floor, and began bugging out.


Everyone looked in shock (the pun not meant intended) at what is happening to Aurora. But after a minute of bugging out very badly, Aurora was able to come back online, and isn't glitching.

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