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By: Renel Stories

We all salute in you
For the braveness that you show
You are such a great fighter
In this pandemic virus called CoViD-19

We all know how difficult your work is-
We all know how hard to do all this things
We all know how many sacrifices you do
We all know how dangerous your life now is-

But behind those things that you faced
You never stop working
You never stop fighting
And because of that we saluted to all of you

For all the frontliners
Thank you for such a great fighters
I know this poem is not enough to say thank you
For all the sacrifices that you do

But please with this simple poem
We can show you-
That we all saluted in you
For being our real hero

And please,
May the our God
Help and protect to all of us
Specially the Frontliners, our hero

WESOG POEMS (Frontliners of COVID19)Where stories live. Discover now