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A Tribute for Frontliners - Heroes of the New Millennium
By Daryl A. Balderas

In the midst of mankind's misery and nightmare
Unfolds a story of new heroes and their warfare
The battle against Covid-19 brings scare
But frontliners remain valiant to give us flare

Salute for doctors and government officials
Nurses, policemen and other professionals
Despite the crisis and on-going upheavals
Devoted to give services and essentials

Frontliners work tirelessly to save our nation
From the pandemic with no cure and solution
They are the leaders of this new generation
Our new heroes who risk their lives in a mission

They don't have super powers or any magic
But can keep us safe from this moment of tragic
Behind our success in fighting the pandemic
Are the frontliners who work hard for the public

Committed to help others through their profession
Frontliners have valuable contribution
From their hearts we can feel the love, care and passion
We're lucky to have them as our inspiration

Frontliners spread hope and positivity
Good stewards of God full of humility
Source of strength and foundation of the society
Ready to action for the call of their duty.

WESOG POEMS (Frontliners of COVID19)Where stories live. Discover now