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By: Mazy Yoo

Stay at home for safety,
That was the government augury.
Government gives rice and relief goods,
But there are still many craving of foods.

Streets are already stricly guarded,
Quarantine pass is stricly needed.
They are also making schedules for buying groceries,
Teenagers and senior's are no guaranties.

Celebrations and occasions are terminated,
For peoples not to be crowded.
To stop the virus infusess and spread,
Cannot harm anybody and also death would be avoided.

City's and small town's was already lockdown,
People's restricted to be went down.
We are all suffered too much difficulty,
Virus brought sickness that so deadly.

Covid-19 bring too much danger cause's,
Sickness spreaded anywhere with no excuses.
Maybe one of this days will be the covid finale,
Declared as an covid free.
Frightening virus will vanish and perished,
We will freely came back to the world that we cherished.

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