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"Was it not good?", Jed asked me worried and looked at the full plate.

"Of course, it was very good", I smiled light.

"You ate mom 2 forks", Jed said.

"I'm not hungry", I mumbled and looked down.

"Come on. Eat it", he said. I looked at him a shock my head.
He sighed.
"Jade, please do it for me. I wanna help you. You can't stay always like that. You need to eat something. And the girls are going to wake up. They just need time",he said.
I looked at smiled a bit.
"Thanks", I whispered.
"No problem gorgeous", he smiled.

I ate my noodles finish and after that we put the dishes in the dishwasher. And walked into the living room. There we sat down on the sofa and cuddled. My heat was on his shoulder and his head were on my head. My legs were on his lap and we hold hands. It was really calming be a bit down. On the TV we watched a quite sad film which wasn't the best idea. I get back to my bad thoughts.
What is if they don't wake?
I stated sobbing. Of course Jed noticed and asked me:"Hey, are you ok?" He looked at me worried. I sniffed and nodded. "No you aren't. They will wake up, honey",He said to me. He kissed me softly and stroke the tears away. I smiled a bit and cuddled closer to him.

One the next day

My alarm clock woke me up. I opend my eyes. It was one of the first nights I really slept. I threw my bedsheet away and stood up. I was wondering were Jed was. I walked into the kitchen and saw the table full of tasty food. On a plate there was a note. I looked at and saw that it was Jed's font.

Good morning gorgeous.
I hope you slept good. I needed to go to work. I'm really busy at the moment with it. But I will come tomorrow again. I also thought about to make breakfast. So I tried my best.
Enjoy your meal, darling.
Lot's of love, Jed <3

A smile left my face. I never saw him so caring and it really subrised that he could be like that.
I sat down and started to it. At the end I cleaned everything and dressed me.
I left my house and walked into the garage where I entered my car and sat down. I opend the garage. And in front of it where paparazzi's everywhere. They started to make pictures of me and asked ne stupid questions. "Jade, how are you?", someone screamed. I didn't answer that. Like for gods sake it's private.
They really blocked my hole exit. I opend my window and screamed loud enough to hear them. "I don't answer your stupid questions and go away now", I screamed. Of course they didn't leave. I growled and started my car. I drove off and for my luck nobody died.

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