Character description

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Description: She's a force to be reckoned with She became the number three hero for a reason in the states, but why on earth is this lazy red winged boy in the number two spot.

Character description

•    Female

•    Name:Quinn

•    Hero name:Phoenix

•    Quirk: she essentially can use fire like Endeavor but hers is the form of a Phoenix so she can fly, her wings are made of flames and has telekinesis.

•    Age:28

•    Hair color and type: Curly right past her shoulders and is a Burgundy red

•    Hero outfit: black form fitting bodysuit with no sleeves, red accessory belt with a Phoenix outlined in the middle and black combat boots.

•    From:America is the number 3 hero but Number one in her state

•    Endeavor's niece from his sister

•    Transferred to Endeavor's agency

•    Characteristics: When it comes to hero business she plays no games she didn't become the number 3 by being lazy but she is also caring to the civilians and her co-hero's. Once she opens up to you that's a whole different story she's a goof loves to sing and randomly dance in her apartment to 90's boy bands. Loves to tease the younger todoroki boys.

•    Love life: non-existing But not cause she can't get anyone it's just that her line of work requires all her time, plus she looking for a man not a boy and all she's seen are boys. She can have one night stands she kind of prefers them. Screw'em and leave'em that's her motto.

•    Family: only child mother is Endeavors sister. Her fathers American and has telekinetic powers which is where she got hers. Neither one of her parents were in the hero business she followed her uncle's footsteps. She is also well aware of what her uncle did to her aunt and her cousins, she doesn't hate him but she can't forgive him and for that he respects her.

Okay so I haven't written a story in about 7 years so please Bear with me on this one. I kind of miss writing and want to get back into it I will gladly take any feedback And comments. I'm also going to try to make this as realistic as possible and TRY not to be to corny but alas I'm a corny person so their might be some sad jokes thrown in there

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