Chapter 2

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'His niece? HIS FUCKING NIECE?!'Hawks whipped his head around the room trying to find the newest hero in town, spotting her talking to Mirko at the bar. He was mad for a number of reasons, one he knew the organization had to have been lying to him and he needed to know why. Two Endeavor could have just told him instead of going for the dramatic route. And finally he was pissed at the fact she  still had the one up on him.

He could hear Quinn's voice as he got closer to the bar. "Your thighs are so in shape, I would honestly kill for them."

"Are you kidding me? You're body is on fire. To be very honest it's nice to see another women with curves like ours in the room." Mirko said making Quinn laugh. If he wasn't in such a mood he would have paid more attention to the butterflies that fluttering his lower stomach but right now he didn't have time for that.

"So you're a Todoroki?" He said as soon as he reached the two women who were in the middle of a conversation.

"Well hello there Hawks. Please, cut us off it wasn't like me and Quinn weren't having a lovely conversation just now." He know it was rude of him to just interject himself.

Sighing he turned to the white haired women, "My apologizes Mirko, may I borrow Phoenix for a second I wanna compare wing sizes."

"I'll just text you later girl." He watched as Quinn hugged Mirko before turning to him fully. "Follow me." Her voice was calm no malice or mocking behind her words.

Phoenix POV

My Uncles words rang through my head, 'Don't judge a book by its cover.' I sighed, he was right. I'm way to old to be playing these 'I'm better than you' games with Hawks. I lead the younger male to my office which was down the hall from Endeavors. I would have used his but he was in there with some pro's. 

Opening the door I moved out of the way so Hawks could walk in first, when he passed me I caught a whiff of his cologne. It was musky but with a hint of sweetness to it. 'Focus Quinn!' I shut the door before turning to face him. I could see he was about to say something but I stopped him before he could.

"I apologize for how I acted earlier today. I don't know you and it was just rude of me." I saw the surprise on his face, which was expected.

"I was not expecting you to say that kid." He leaned on my desk crossing one foot over the other while his arms did the same. Once again that thought of if were in a different time and place I wouldn't have minded him taking me home. But I hated when he called me kid. Taking a deep breath I knew I had to keep my composure. Making my way across the room to my desk, I pulled my chair out, "Let's have an adult conversation shall we?" I gestured for him to take the seat across from me. We both sat down, I leaned back crossing my legs.

"My name is Quinn Bailey-Todoroki. Born and raised in New York where I am the number one hero and number three in America. My powers I'm sure you are aware of are telekinesis and fire control. And last I am not a kid I am older than you by about 5 years, so no more of that kid nonsense okay?"

He eyes had never left mine while I was talking. It was refreshing to see, to have someone listen instead of just gawk at me.

It took him a moment to say anything to me. The wheels in his head were turning I could tell. "And you couldn't have said all this when you first met me because?" I rolled my eyes just when I thought he stopped being a complete jackass.

"Because unfortunately my temper comes from the Todoroki side. So once again I'm sorry can we start over?" I stood up putting my hand out waiting for him to shake it and call truce.

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