Chapter 4

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Heaving the last box on top of the small island in the kitchen, I pushed back the mess of curls that fell in my eyes. Looking around the open area of the apartment all someone could see were brown boxes and pieces of furniture spread around the room. But no matter the mess I was happy and proud, this was my space to do what I want with, a space that I was able to choose on my own. I decided to take a break seeing as how I spent most of the day moving boxes with Shouto and Natsuo and it was almost ten at night. Uncle would have helped but he was busy with hero work and it's better that way, seeing as how him and Natsuo weren't on the best of terms.

I grabbed a couple of beers from the fridge and decided to go to the roof for some fresh air. I hadn't been to work in almost two weeks after the incident. Endeavor wouldn't let me even if the doctor did clear me, he said something about it being too soon. With my time off I was able to read what the media was saying about me, most of them were incredibly positive and encouraging but there were some that made me feel like I was back home. Climbing up the stairs that lead to the roof I pushed the heavy metal door open. I could feel the cool night air hit my face; I took a deep inhale letting it fill my lungs before exhaling as my shoulders dropped.

The roof was something you would see on any high-rise apartment building in japan, a grey cold concrete floor with brick walls that came up to my waist. I walked to one of the walls and placed my beers on the floor I turned towards the view, god it was breath taking. Sure, there were a whole bunch of lights, but it was silent. Much more quitter than the busy streets back in New York. It was almost surreal, the way all those different colored lights shown beautifully against the night sky. But those lights weren't so bright that you couldn't see the stars. Turning around, I pressed my lower back against the cold walls placing my elbows on the ledge to focus on the night sky. My right hand reached for the skies making my cropped hoodie ride up on my stomach, the cold air ran across my skin making me shiver. 

"They sure are beautiful, aren't they?" Soon a larger hand was next to my own, reaching for the same stars. I didn't even flinch when he spoke, I knew he was close I could hear those red wings flapping anywhere. Looking over my right shoulder I could see Hawks next to me, his free hand holding up his head as his elbow was resting on the walls edge. His aloof smile plastered on his face as he looked at me. After I had woken up in the hospital, he made sure to visit at least once a day until I was discharged, and even then, he had gotten my number while I was still in the coma. Everyday he would text me either to just check up on me or to just send me stupid memes he found on the internet.

"Hello to you too Hawks." Pushing myself off the bricks, I bent down to pick up a cold beer. Realizing I forgot a bottle opener I had to do the next best thing. Pressing the sharp edge of the cap against the edge of the wall, I raised my hand slamming it down on the bottle. The cap flew off falling to my feet, I picked it up putting it in the pocket of my jeans before taking a swig of the bubbling drink.

"Well, well aren't you the resourceful one." He swung his legs over the brick wall, keeping one leg bent to rest on the ledge while his other one dangled off. "You finished moving all your stuff?"

"Mmhmm, the rest of my stuff came from America the other day. Never realized how much shit I had until then."  I could still see my cousins faces when the boxes showed up at the house, and how much I had to beg them to not back out of helping me.

"Wish I could have been a helping hand, but you know hero stuff." Over the week I had learned to be more comfortable with Hawks, he was a great person to be around. But I also knew I wasn't getting the real Hawks yet, I wasn't getting Keigo. Which I could totally understand because he didn't know the real Quinn either.

"It's fine, plus I don't think your little arms would be able to handle that much labor dove." I faced him, my hand went to grip his bicep, "Must be pretty embarrassing to have the arms of a middle school student." That was a lie, a huge lie. There has never really been that much physical contact between us besides the typical flirtatious signals from the younger one. This was the first time I touched him other than a shove to his chest when he got too close. Underneath the jean jacket he was wearing I could feel those lean muscles flex under my touch.  They weren't like my uncle's, but I knew he could do some damage in a fight if need be. 'I wonder how they would feel around my waist as he picked me up pushing my back into the wall.'

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