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3rd PoV

"hoshino? Whats wrong?" haru asked a certain male. The guy had red violet hair,and a suit, they were running off somewhere.

"no. Everythings fine." hoshino replied as haru stared at his retreating form. You place a hand on haru's shoulder as he sighed.

You both walked to your work room as you greeted your fellow co-workers. You sat at kamei's right side as a noise of a girl moaning and a website popped out from kamei's computer. You chuckled, shaking your head at the older male.

"chief, the security department is shorthanded, they asked 2 or 3 officers to help out at ginza car expo" haru stated as the cheif nodded.

"hai, do as you see." you chucked slightly at the cheif's respond. You stood up, smooting you pants out as you look at haru with your (e/c).

"Lets go, kato." you said as you lift kamei from the back of his collar. "your coming." you said as kamei whined.

"i still have much to do." he replied as you crossed your arms, looking at haru.

"ms motoyama from security department might go." haru stated as kamei halted, "SACCHAN?! LETS GO KATO, Y/N!" then he quickly stood up, running to the door. You and haru shook your head as you walked to the exit, haru following.

Kato- out of office-be back 1700
Kamei- out of office- be back 5pm
Y/n- out of office- be back when the fuck i want.

You snicker at what you wrote as haru sighed, erasing what you wrote and writing something.

Kato- out of office-be back 1700
Kamei- out of office- be back 5pm
Y/n- out of office- be back 1700

You rolled your eyes at haru, walking out the door as he followed.
"i heard the first investigation division guys drink and eat at a fancy place here." kamei said from the back seat as you rolled your eyes. "who the hell cares?" you asked as kamei shot up from his seat.

"Kato! I heard you were from the first investigation division!" kamei blurted out as haru stepped on the breaks, making kamei shot out from the back seat and to the front.

"sorry." haru deadpanned as you sighed.

"look at that car." kamei pointed out as you 3 look at a rather expensive looking black car.

"that guy who is driving must be rich." you mumbled, as you lean on the car window.

That guy must be a stuck up rich ass shithead.

You rolled your eyes, turning your head back to the front of the road.
"hoshino! Is there a case?" haru asked as you 3 ran to the familiar red violet headed male.

"this is none of your business." he replied as you rolled your eyes. "you should be looking for lost children." the other guy mumbled as you chuckled.

"yeah, it appears like we just found 2 persons with no braincells." you sarcastically said as the 2 boys tried their best to ignore you.

"the prince? Going to be a king? Is this really important? Cant we just let it die?" you asked as the 2 first investigation division men looked at you.

"fukunishi cleaning van?" you asked yourself as you look around. "There!" you pointed as you all ran towards it. A police that your familiar as sacchan got bumped into a pink haired girl.

"sacchan! You okay?!" kamei asked as the woman nodded. "Oi! What are you doing?!" kamei yelled as the pink haired girl shot kamei.

The girl and some boy quickly ran to the vam, driving away. You turn to kamei as haru kicked him.

"GET UP." haru sternly said as you shook your head at kamei's attempt. "haru, 25 mins. Left." you said as you both then heard loud sound as you ran to the sound. You then saw a familiar black car, bumping into every car that is in its way.

"What the fuck?" you cursed. Haru quickly ran infront of a woman and child on the street. The car quickly drove into a pole as you walked up to it. Pissed.

"OI WHATS YOUR PROBLEM?!" you yelled, kicking the car with force making it shook abit. The door opened as smoke came to your face.

"kambe daisuke, today i am imported as cheif inspector for MPD" he said, grabbing out his badge and showing it to you.

" first, i didnt ask. Second, I dont give 100 fucks who you are." you cursed at him as he looked at you with amusement. The kambe dude suddenly walked to a vehicle, slamming his palms on it as he crouch down.

"AC cobra, tuned in." he said as you look at him with a weird expression.

What the fuck is this dude?

You watch as he literally bribed the guy. Then he suddenly pulled the guy down, taking his wallet then his card.

"HEUSC, get the check." kambe dude said as you stare at him.

I think he just got out from the mental hospital.

You watch as he did his shit. He then went in the car.

"OI!!" you yelled as you ran to the car, jumping in and so did haru. You sat on top of the car, inthe middle of the two as your feet was near kambe dude and haru's thighs.

"HEUSC, give me the location of the target." kambe dude said as you and haru looked at each other.

"guide it to kachidoki Bridge.remove all police patrol cars" he said. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING TO YOU CRAZY DUDE!?" you asked as he turned to you.

"my butler. And you should know my name by now or do i need to put an engagement ring on your ring finger for you to atleast remember my last name?" he smirked as you pinched his ears.

"SHUT THE HELL UP YOU IDIOT!" You yelled as haru pulled your wrist, making you tumble and fall on his lap.

"this stuck up rich bitch." you mumbled as you sat yourself comfortably on haru's lap. Haru tangled his arms on your waist as he shook his head.

Kambe glanced at you and haru, a hint of anger and jealously touching his soul.

He quickly stomp on the gas, driving as fast as he can as you held onto the side for your dear life, haru also held onto your waist, in fear that you might fly away.

You 3 then approach the bridge, kambe dude bumping onto the van as he pressed on the gas harder, making the van also move up. Kambe smirked.

"darn it." haru cursed as he set you down on the seat, jumping up the car and going in the van.

"HARU YOU GODDAMN IDIOT!!" you yelled as he kept going on. a girl then quickly went out the van as kambe made the van, shook from the end. You quickly went out the car, walking onto the edge as kambe followed, the van quickly tipped over, falling down the bridge as you widen your eyes, the bridge shook from the explosion as your legs quickly went down but kambe lifted you up in bridal style and walked to the edge.

"HARU!" you yelled as you try to jumoed down kambe's grasp to help haru but kambe held your body tight, preventing you from going away his grasp.

"LET ME GO!" you growled as haru then slipped down. "FUCK!" you cursed as kambe then let you down.

"you fucking idiot! Whyd you do that?!" you yelled at kambe as he looked at you.

"i cant let my fiancé jump down just to save someone who isnt my acquaintance right?" he asked as you snap your neck at him.

"DUDE! I DONT EVEN KNOW YOU AND YOU CALL MR YOUR FIANCÉ! WHAT ARE YOU? CRAZY?!" you screamed as he chuckled, pulling your wrist as he held your waist, your bodies pressed together.

"daisuke kambe, you should know by now since im your fiance" he whispered in your ears as you shivered.

"IM NO ONES PROPERTY!!" you yelled, trying to  pushing him away. "oh hunny, you should already know your mine." he smirks as you rolled your eyes running to the railings and jumping on it, your shoes colliding with the metal railings as you slid down, keeping your balance.

Kambe watch as you do a dangerous stunt to which his lips twitched upwards.

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