Chapter 2

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Saturday 9:34 am

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Saturday 9:34 am

It's Saturday morning and our first day at this hotel resort, and so far our stay has been.... odd to say the least.

This judgement is mainly from the doings of last night. Well there wasn't any doings at all to be realistic. Thank God.

I keep telling myself it was just a little fling and that's all, and that I shouldn't remind myself of it again.

That was until Nina had come in and shattered it.

"Good Morning..." she says beaming a smile my way which would make anyone's day.

"Hiya you ok Nina" I ask.

"Yeah course... but not as good as you" she replies happy with herself.

"Excuse me"

"Don't play dumb with me Kass, you know I can tell when your lying also I saw you and Carter last night..." she said the last part quickly hoping for it not to catch my attention. But it does. It always does.

"Oh my god Nina... you saw..." I ask pleadingly.

She smirks.

"Just please don't say anything to the others..." I utter sighing and placing my hand to my head.

"Of course I won't Kassidy... you know me..." she walks closer placing her hand on my shoulder reassuring me.

Smiling lightly I whisper in her ear  "Thank you".

"Come on everyone's in the lobby" she says grabbing her phone and opening the door.

Grabbing mine, I gracefully head out shutting the door after me.

We walk down the out of place wooden staircase and reach the bottom seeing in the corner of my eye Carter with his uncle at the main desk. I discard it and carry on.

"Hiya" I say while sitting comfortably in the red velvet chairs by the fireplace.

"You okay?" Amber asks.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be" I replied picking up and sipping my still burning hot coffee hoping my moves weren't too suspicious.

"No reason just after yesterday, there all." She quickly replies.

"What, what about yesterday" I ask at a fast pace hoping they didn't catch on to my little fling with the tall dark haired hot mysterious guy we met yesterday.

"Umm the car breaking down... what else would I be talking about" she says also sipping her coffee and lightly laughing at her herself while making her eyes travel through the group at the end leading back on to me.

"Yeah sorry I've just got a lot on my plate right now" I say suspiciously.

Then looking towards Nina who gazes at me with a look that knows exactly what I'm doing and how I'm feeling at that moment.

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