Chapter 4

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"Grace?" I say the name questioning him

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"Grace?" I say the name questioning him.

"Oh you didn't tell her did you" Grayson says in the background mockingly.

"Didn't tell me what" I ask nervously.

"Nothing" he whispers under his breath, he then looks down almost in guilt.

I look away not knowing what to do.

"This should be good" Grayson pipes up.

I look back towards Carter hoping he has something to say, anything, I notice anger in his face I then have a feeling something bad was gonna happen.

I was right.

Lunging towards him he pounces upon him in fury.

Now on top of him he beats him multiple times leaving bruising and marks where his punches have landed.

"Hey cut it out, come on..." Grace Speaks trying to get him up.

I drag Carter up from him and pull him back.

He has scratching all across his eyes and cheeks same as Grayson.

"What the fuck was that for man!" Grayson shouts.

"What are you doing Carter" I ask him

He doesn't answer me.

"I think it's about time that she gets up to speed don't you think Carter" Grace looks at me bud talking to him.

Nodding he looks to the ground.

Time passes and we are sat in the lobby at the red velvety seats we passed as we entered.

Grace and Grayson directly in front of us as me and Carter are sat on the opposite side facing towards them.

We are all uncomfortable. You could tell.

"Well if nobody's going to say anything I will..." she goes to speak but is cut off by Carter pleading her not to.

"Please Grace don't..."

"She's going to have to find out sometime and it has to be now... there is no other way about it" she utters.

He stays silent.

I hold his hand she notices and looks away.

"Grace is my ex girlfriend"

"Is that it" I ask suspecting something more.

"Nope" Grayson adds.

I look at him not knowing what to do or say, just wanting answers.

"Me and Grace a while ago, decided to start a family of our own, so we had a little daughter, things turned rough, and it wasn't working out so we had no other choice than to give her up to an adoption agency"

Looking shocked I look towards Grace and see tears forrming in here eyes I felt sympathy for her, I didn't what to say or how to react.

I stuttered over my words.

"I, i, I'm sorry, I have to go..." I run upstairs to my room.

I hear carters voice behind me following me up.

I shut the door and sit on the edge of the bed with my head in my arms, tears forming in my eyes.

He walks slowly in and sits beside me.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I should have before I let anything happen between us, it was wrong of me to do so."

"No no it's okay please don't apologise" I say.

He looks at me in disbelief not expecting my response.

"What, What did you think I was gonna say"

"Well not that to start off with" he utters.

"Why would I say anything else..."

He just looks into my eyes I look into his, and a smile emerges from both of our faces.

"I thought you were going to be mad that I hadn't said anything until she showed up"

"I'm not saying it was a nice surprise, I was shocked and confused and nervous and I still am, but I get why you didn't tell me and couldn't, I get it..."

He just wraps his arms around me and closes his eyes.

"Thank you" he utters.

Looking down at him I smile.

"What for" I ask him.

"Accepting my past"

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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