Wedding Party

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At the altar, when the kiss is done, Keefe picks me up in wedding-style and runs out the door. I am laughing the entire way. I hear clapping, and he puts me down when we get out of the church. He is smirking all the way and never lets go of my hand. 

We run over to the park across. The trees are laced with ice-blue and white ribbons, and there are about fifty tables covered in white or ice-blue tablecloths. There are calla lilies in vases on every table. The vases are glass and see-through but have a beautiful design on them that looks like flowers woven together. Since it is spring, all of the tree's flowers are blooming. Petals decorate the ground.

But the best part is the fountain in the middle. It has a huge drawn picture of us in front of a different fountain that day at the mall. It has him picking me up and us kissing. 

Keefe stops pulling me right in front of the fountain. He picks me up and kisses me, exactly like in the picture before us. I see all of our guests coming towards the park. I hear laughter, the click of a camera and clapping. I smile and pull away. 

"I have come to a conclusion," Keefe says.

"And what is that conclusion?" I ask.

"That conclusion is that I will love you for the rest of my life and then some." Tears fill my eyes and I kiss him again. I put my bouquet on the table nearest to us and look into Keefe's perfect ice-blue eyes. I put my forehead against his. 

The music starts up and Keefe puts his hands on my hips. I wrap mine around his neck and lean my head onto his shoulder. We sway, and I recognize the song. It is the song Keefe played for me on the day of our first date. 

This really was a perfect wedding. The next song comes on, and I realize it is Gorgeous, by Taylor Swift. It was the song I was listening to when I realized I liked Keefe. I remember I had my headphones in though, how did he even know? I look at Keefe questioningly and smile.

"Your headphones weren't in completely. Also, you were blushing, so I later used my amazing good looks to check the security cameras to see what made you so embarrassed." I blushed and playfully slapped his arm. He grins and twirls me around.

"And I agree with Taylor Swift's opinion of me. I really am gorgeous, arent I?" He grins at me and I laugh.

"I think she needs to get away from my gorgeous husband." Husband. Keefe is my husband.

I look around and see Marella and Tam dancing together, Dex and Livia and Biana all dancing together in a family circle. I smile. I see Linh and Wylie shyly dancing together. My eyes come back to Keefe's. I feel full of love. 


Keefe, Biana, Dex, Tam, Marella, and I all sit at the table in the middle. We chit chat and Marella plays with the ring Tam gave her. Livia is sitting with all of the other kids. Edaline calls that the mallowmelt cake is ready. I asked Edaline to bake the cake because she has all of these amazing recipes.

I grab Keefe's hand and we walk over to the cake. It is covered in fondant pictures of me and Keefe that people have taken. It is beautiful. On the top, it has my ring hooked with his. They are perfect likenesses. Edaline gives us the cake cutter.

I make a small mark of where we are going to cut it and wait for Keefe to come near me so we can cut it together. He touches my lower back and then takes a bit of the frosting off with his finger and licks it. I giggle and slap his hand.

"Wait a second, you will get your share soon enough."

"But I can't wait that long," He whines, but a smile still on his face.

He puts his hands over mine and we cut the first piece of cake. Keefe puts it on a plate and we both take our spoons. (It is easier to eat the mallowmelt with spoons) and I place my heaping spoon of mallowmelt into his mouth. Keefe gives me a piece with the spoon he is holding. Everyone starts clapping, and then Keefe gets another piece of frosting from the cake and smears it across my cheek. I roll my eyes.

"You just had to ruin my makeup."

"Yup" He answers.

I grab a napkin and wipe it off. Keefe shouts,

"CAKE FOR EVERYONE!" Once everyone is full, Keefe walks me over to the white limo we are taking to our honeymoon in Maui. I packed yesterday, and my suitcase is already in the car. I slip off my shoes and tie them to the pieces of white ribbon on the back of the car. Keefe does the same. I laugh.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" I say. I run back to the park and get my bouquet of flowers. I come back to the limo to see Keefe smirking. I laugh and throw my bouquet into the sea of people behind me. It is coming straight for Marella and she catches it. Tam kisses her and Keefe and I get into the limo. I kiss my new husband and can't wait to get to Maui.

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