Mario Gotze - ' I can't lose you'

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- Hello baby, how was your day? - You approached Mario from behind his back and hugged him while he was standing by the kitchen sink.

- Get off of me. - he said,angrily. 

He took your hands and got them off of his waist.

- What the fuck,Mario?! What is happening?

- Don't act so naive around me, Nadine! I know what you did.

- Really? So,what did I exactly do?! -you were now getting mad,too.

You didn't remember doing anything that could hurt him or make him angry. If anything, you were a wonderful girlfriend, you never started the fight first, you forgave him his every mistake and gave him another opportunity. What could possibly be happening?

- Mario,answer the damn question! -you followed him around the house,expecting a decent answer.

-Just leave me alone,Nadine,I'm not in the mood.-he closed the door of the bedroom you shared for seven months now and left you standing in front of the closed door.

He did that every time you fought, he just closed himself in the bedroom and he wouldn't talk to you for a while. That's when you had enough of it.

You entered the bedroom and started screaming at him.

-Listen,I don't know what have I possibly done to hurt you this much,but I won't stand you ignoring me for the next few hours,so tell me what the heck happened?!

-THIS happened.-he took some newspaper out of his training bag and threw them in front of you.-That is what makes me mad. Your lies and cheating.

" Mario Gotze's girlfriend of ten months cheating with his ex-teammate Mats Hummels ?!"

"Nadine,Mario Gotze's girlfriend caught cheating!"

" Broken promises: Nadine secretly dating Mats Hummels!"

Those were the main articles on the newspaper covers.

-What the fuck,Mario,you believe all this nonsence?

-I called Hummels today. He wasn't answering any of my calls. What were you two doing?

-Absolutely nothing. We went out on a coffee,okay?!

-Don't lie to me,dammit! - he got up and approached you.

He was deadly close.

You could feel his breath and you noticed that he was drinking.

-Mario,were you drinking?! 

-Don't you dare change the subject!

-Mario,what is happening to you,why don't you trust me?

-Because you lie,goddamit,you lie all the time! I can't believe it,with my best friend?! My ex-teammate? How much did he pay you,huh? What does he buy to you?

You got so angry on those words that hurt you so you slapped him really hard.

-Don't you dare say that ever again!

-Why? Because it's true?

-What did you buy for YOUR ex-girlfriends?

-None of our bussiness!

-I hate you.

-I hate you back. -you slapped him again.

He did nothing,he just took his jacket and left. You were left alone to cry all night.


He came,after a few hours. You were still sitting on the same place,your eyes red from crying and your voice was weak.

He leaned against the door and looked at you with his eyes full of tears.

-What happened to us? What are we doing? - he asked you.

-I don't know. We fight a lot lately.

-But I don't want us to.

-Me neither.-he sat next to you and you leaned your head on his shoulder.

-If you don't love me,why don't you just leave me? You could find so much better than me,Mario. 

He grabbed you by your shoulders,looked you in the eyes and said: -Don't say that ever again. I wouldn't change you for anything in this world. I love you just the way you are. I love you,do you hear me? And I can't lose you. I'm sorry  I was such a jerk,I trust you.

-Mats called. He told you to call him.

-I don't need to. I trust my babygirl.


-Kiss me.

-Whatever you say,Mr. Gotze.

Love you all. <3

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