'Photo Album'- Sergio Ramos

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You took a big blue box from yours and Sergio's closet and put it on the coffee table in the living room. You sat next to your wonderful husband and opened the box.

- But baby why do you have to see my photos as a child? We could do something else? - you practically begged him not to take it and look at the photographs from a big,thick album full of memories.

-Time to take a walk down memory lane. - he joked with you.

-Embarassing memory lane,you forgot to say it. - you corrected him.

-Oh my God, (Y/N),you were such a cute babygirl. - he said,searching trough the album.

-I still am. - you put on an angel smile and made Sergio laugh a little.

-Yeah,you are.

-But seriously,why are we doing this? Why am I so interesting to you?

-I'm just curious about how our kids will look like.

-What? - you looked at him confused.

-Kids usually look like their parents when they were little,so I want to be sure.

Sergio was always known as a romantic sould. That was why you fell in love with him. You two met four years ago at a mutual friends party and you immediatelly fell in love. He knew,from that moment,that he will marry you and have a big,happy family.

-Oh... Well,honey,we don't have any kids yet.

-We could make it happen,you know? - he winked

-Very romantic.- you kissed him.

-You know how I fell in love with you,Jessie?

-Nope,but I know you were hella drunk and that  I was hella in love.

-I fell in love the minute I saw you,wearing that black dress that fits you perfectly and the most amazing smile plastered on your face. I fell in love with your eyes,your voice that I want to listen to for the rest of my life,your amazing character,your braveness,kindness,intelligence,passion,your warmness and honesty. You won me over.

-This is the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me.

-I love you,Jessie Ramos.

-I love you too,Sergio Ramos. And now... It's my turn to look at your photos.

-You know what,I was thinking we could cuddle a little bit ,what do you think?

-Nice try,Mr. Give me your photoalbum.

-I was thinking about making some new memories. - he winked.

-You know what? We can look at photos later. - you smiled.

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