'Marry You' - Bojan Krkic

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Christmas with Bojan has always been a good time for you, the two of you had shared two together and this was your third. You already have your own traditions, you have your family Christmas times on Christmas Eve and then on christmas you wake up around midday.

-Merry Christmas - you smiled looking into Bojan's green eyes when you woke up.

-And a Happy New Year- he replied making you giggle.

-Are we getting up? - you asked.

-No, I will get up and you will stay in bed because I have to make the pancakes - he smiled and stood wearing only his boxers.

-You know what,I think that's a great idea..

He gave you a kiss on the lips and then went downstairs to cook.

Later on,he called you when he was done.

-Mmm honey,this smells great - you said approaching the fridge and grabbing some milk.

-I hope you like it.

The day went like any other Christmas you have eaten your pancakes, got dressed an lounge about the house for a while watching old Christmas movies under your blankets.

At night you ordered Chinese takeout and sat around your big Christmas tree opening your presents from each other. This year you bought him tickets to see your collectively favourite band and he’d bought you a set of mini drums as a joke.

-That’s it, Christmas is over- you pouted.

-Nope, not yet - Bojan said.

-What do you mean?

-There is one last present - he said plucking a decoration from the tree.

-If that's another instrument,you know I will..

-Just open it,silly

It was in the shape of a box and your heart jumed as you opened it reveling a sparkling engagement ring.

-Will you marry me?

-Yes,oh my God,yes! - you jumped around him and then gave him a tight hug.

-I love you Caithlin.

-I love you too,Bojan.

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