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Naruto was wakes up and he was still on the ground, his face on the ground, cold as hell.

He then collects some fire wood around the area, and he then start the fire with his watch and he goes and start the fire.

Naruto then senses someone from behind him, and he then heats his body.

He then unseals the freshly made fish he did that morning. He noticed he has a cut in his arm and he start to think.

Naruto was making his way out of the village and he saw a village throw a knife at him but Naruto turned around and it cut his hand.

Naruto then ran straight out of the gate to the river.

End of flashback-

He then saw four people.

He then saw four people

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Naruto then puts his right hands on his left arms wounds and the four girls looks at Naruto

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Naruto then puts his right hands on his left arms wounds and the four girls looks at Naruto.

Naruto then said to them "hello?"

They looks at Naruto.

Then the girls start to introduce themselves.

Mabui, the first girl in the picture.
Killer Bee, the second girl in the picture.
Yugito, the third girl in the picture.
Amy, the four girl in the picture, the Raikage.

Naruto then said "I am Naruto Uzumaki... And I am eight"

Then Mabui goes up to Naruto and she sees the wounds on his arm and she start to heal him.

Naruto then tilts his head to the right, and he said "why are you healing?"

Then Mabui smiles and pinches Naruto's cheeks and she said "because your a kid, and you needed help"

Then Naruto said "thanks I guess... I usually have to do everything on my own... You can have something to eat here if you want, I have a couple of fish cooked and I already eat two and you can have the rest if you want?"

Then all the girls go around the fire and eat the fish, and they found it was delicious.

Then Amy said "why are you out here?"

When she said that she knew she touched a touchy subject but Naruto smiles her.

Naruto then looks at Amy and he said "well, I was born on the same day as my sister, and my parents told them I had the nine tails sealed inside of me but actually I don't and my sister have them, but the villages just hate me for having the nine tails inside of me... Which I don't have"

Then Naruto yawns and he goes and puts his head on Amy's lap.

Amy then pats Naruto's head and she said "poor kid... To be used as a escape goat by his parents"

Then Yugito hear Matatabi saying "he's so cute... Imagine him in the future"

Then Yugito then said to Matatabi "yeah... He is cute I guess"

With Bee, Gyuuki felt bad because he was used by his parents.

Mabui was looking at Naruto and she was smiling at how peaceful he was sleeping.

Naruto's sensed turned off for the first time when he learned that, because he felt at peace for ones in his life.

Out of nowhere a kunai comes out and hit Mabui, and Amy, Bee and Yugito jump to Mabui and block the rest of their attacks.

Naruto lands on the ground and he looks around, he sees as clear as day, a rougue and he looks at around.

He saw Amy run to the Assassin and kill him and appears back to Mabai

Naruto unseals a healing potions.

Then he sees the kunai hit her back, almost the heart and blood came gushing out.

Then Naruto goes over to her and he tries to keep her awake and he said "stay awake... Mabui-Nii... If you fall asleep you won't wake up again"

Then Mabui was on the floor and Naruto takes out a bottle and he unscrews the lid and he said "drink..."

Then Mabai opens her mouth and she drinks it but Naruto immediately pulls the kunai out and she start to heal fast and her wound closes up.

Naruto then said "my health potion is far better now... I knew it could heal some from simple injuries but that good... Sweet"

Then Mabui hugs Naruto and she kisses his cheek.

Naruto then said "I am an alchemist, a new healer kinda... I make potions to slowly regenerate someone's body and last for five minutes and an instant potions, to heal someone back to their full health"

Then Amy grabs Naruto and holds him into a hug.

Then Naruto hugs back and he said "I am having more love then I felt in this day and years"

Then Amy said "do you want to go back to the cloud village?"

Then Naruto nods and he said "yeah... I would like that"

Then Naruto kisses Amy's cheek and she smiles at Naruto being so cute.

Naruto then senses someone from behind Amy and he throws the empty bottle and he thinks "space time Jutsu"

Then Naruto puts his haki his arm and he blocks it and throws the bottle of class.

Then Amy dodges out of the way and kills the ninja that was about to kill him.

Naruto turns off his Haki and he said "sorry... I had to use my Armament Haki and observation Haki"

Then Naruto was explaning his Haki abilities and alchemy.

Then Naruto explains his mana, because he trust them.

Now the four girls and Naruto leave the area and they go to the cloud village. With Naruto telling him about his life and how he learned to use them and how he stayed away from his parents for two year and not even them noticing.

Naruto also was now sleeping on Amy's shoulder.

What happen now?

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