Young Love

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Naruto woke up, with his team mates on his chest. Naruto then thinks "what the fuck"

Then Naruto just stays their for a bit, after thirty minutes the girls woke up and they jumped up and ran out with a red face.

Naruto then sits up and he goes down the stairs without a shirt on.

(Imagine without the jumper around him)

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(Imagine without the jumper around him)

Naruto goes straight out of the room and he goes out and he sees all the teams, with his teammates and Sensei still thinking about what happened.

Naruto was sitting at the table and he saw most of the girls looking at his six-pack and now Naruto was waiting for everyone to stop staring.

Naruto then said "so..."

Then all the girls were now looking away from Naruto.

Naruto then start to think "am I... The only person... That gets a lot of people staring at?"

Then Killer Bee said "me and my team are going after Gato" (just imagine everything Bee or Killer Bee says is raping).

Now Naruto saw Tsunami and she said "I'll start making breakfast"

Then Naruto said "please... Let me do that"

Then Naruto unseals a twenty plates of fish, two fish on each place and he puts all the fish out and he saw all the girls but from the cloud village Shinobi.

Now everyone was eating the fish and they found it was delicious.

Naruto was floating in the air.

Then Yugito said "now, Naruto you should go around, we each have two health potions in our ninja back and a sealing scroll, so you Naruto can try to kill or destroy Gato"

Then Naruto goes and flies and he said "I'll stay around making sure Gato is going to get what he deserved, to what they did these people and all of the people that he hurt"

Then Naruto flies away outside of the window and Shikamaru said "troublesome"

Then Naruto said "of course the Nara says that"

Then Naruto flies away around the village with Kohaku in his hood.

Naruto was seeing bandits and he tort- talked to the bandits and got the information and let them leave, without a head.

Naruto is making his way to Gato's place and he unseals thousands of lightning balls and he throws them through the roof instantly killing all the bandits and Gato and he helps the girls out of the area, who were forced to be there.

Naruto is making his way through the village with Gato's burned of face.

Naruto drinks a Man's regeneration potions and he leaves to go around the village with Kohaku making sure everyone got their money back and everyone is safe.

After an hours, Naruto and Kohaku walk back to Tazuna's home and he puts Gato's head on the desk on a plastic bag and he said "mission complete"

Then Naruto was now leaving the area with Kohaku to where the teams from the hidden leaf stay at.

Naruto was now sitting on the tree, his left leg on the tree, his right leg hang over the branch and his back on the tree.

Naruto sees each of them practicing tree walking.

Naruto was now sees someone jumps on the same tree he was their and he looks to see.

(she's wearing a standard Jounin uniform)

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(she's wearing a standard Jounin uniform)

Naruto said "hello, Kakash-Chan"

Then Kakashi said "what are you doing in Kumo"

Then Naruto smiles and he said "avoiding the tortures of the leaf village"

Then Kakashi nods and she said "did you see the bingo book"

Naruto was now nodding and he said "are you going to try and capture me or are you going to let me go home"

Then Kakashi shakes his head and she said "no... I wouldn't want a war to start with the leaf and the cloud village"

Then Naruto said "nice... Good choice, that you don't want to start a war... How is the health potions Minato got"

Then Naruto sees Kakashi jump to the Leaf Shinobi.

Then Naruto goes away from the Genin from the leaf village.

Then he makes his way through the forest, with his hands on his pocket, and he was now heading back to Tazuna's home and he gives the reports to Killer Bee and Yugito, and his two team mates, Yang and Wendy.

What would happen to the hidden villages when they get to know Naruto? What would happen, will people over themselves or would they try to kill him.

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