Naruto Genin

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Six months later-
With Naruto's research came back good and his reserve 10x from back then because of the ways he made a potions.

Naruto's reserves at the moment, he can use ten thounsand and eight hundred lightning balls. He can use the same amount of magic bullet, and he can use seven hundred twenty Fire tornado's.

With his spinning arrow, he can use two thousand and seven hundred.

It create a lightning arrow and he can fire it off. He can use it one thousand and eighty.

Naruto's now had Conquerors Haki, he can take down low Jounin level ninja.

Naruto had a special order and the weapon is. Kikoku.

Naruto was at least low Jounin skills in Kenjutsu

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Naruto was at least low Jounin skills in Kenjutsu. With his Taijutsu being high Kage level.

Naruto's quirk, his explosions, he kept that secret so no one would know how that works and it would be risky for people to know his trump card.

Naruto was now today, he was learning to summon.

Now Naruto is outside and he summons.

Naruto then said "you must be the lion King"

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Naruto then said "you must be the lion King"

Then the lion King nods and he said "yes... Now push your Mana through your hand and then I'll accept you as my master"

Then Naruto puts he head and he pushes his mana through his right hand and the lion, start to fall on the ground.

Then Naruto named the lion King, Kohaku.

Naruto said "you might have to change forms"

Then Kohaku changed his form into.

Naruto grabs Kohaku and then hold him in his arms and he said "my name is Naruto Uzumaki, and I have some magic typed if magic but I need some more"

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Naruto grabs Kohaku and then hold him in his arms and he said "my name is Naruto Uzumaki, and I have some magic typed if magic but I need some more"

Then Kohaku said "it's a pleasure to meet you master"

Then Naruto said "please... Call me Naruto, and I want to be your friend and I am not your master"

Then Kohaku said "okay, Naruto"

Then Naruto and Kohaku laugh with one another.

Naruto explained the world at the moment.

Then Kohaku said "well, this is the first time I have been summoned, and I think your the first mage to be born in tne thousand I think year ago, I am not the most well informed but I am the most powerfulist one out of them"

Then Naruto said "well, I am glad I got you... You seem the most chill"

Then Kohaku said "yeah... I have the power over speed and ice"

Then Naruto then pats Kohaku head who is on his shoulder and he goes to his home.

Then he shows him his witchcraft area and he shows all the potions he had and all the weapon he has. With the garden underground.

With that Naruto said "okay... We have six months to train more, then I show myself to the world, people would want my power but I do hope you have my back when I can't fight"

Then Kohaku nods and said "yeah, I can get you out of their as fast as I can if you need, but how strong you are at. I would say you should be good, all you need is more spells, and I have had some knowledge of other magic"

Then Naruto and Kohaku start to train.

Six months later-
Naruto's reserves doubles.

Naruto's reserves at the moment, he can use twenty one thounsand and six hundred lightning balls. He can use the same amount of magic bullet, and he can use one thousand and four hundred fourty Fire tornado's.

With his spinning arrow, he can use five thousand and four hundred.

It create a lightning arrow and he can fire it off. He can use it two thousand and eighty. 

His new Spells are.
Gate- it cost hundred lightning balls to create a gate to a place where they have been. He can only do it over 200 times.
Slip- it cost ten lightning balls to slip the enemy. He can do it over 2000 times
Boost- it cost hundred lightning balls to make his body fat stronger, lasting ten minutes. He can only do it over 200 times.
Shining gavelling- it creates a light of gavellling, it cost fifty Lightning balls. At the moment he can do it 432 times.
Flying magic- uses a quarter of a lightning ball each minute, he can use it twenty one thousand times.

Naruto was now learning from the library, to get some knowledge from his belt during the first month and then the last five months were training.

Naruto is now walking to the Raikage's office and he makes it in and he said to Amy "hey"

Then Amy smiles and said "hey, Naruto-kun... How are you?"

Then Naruto said "I am doing good... How are the Haki class"

Then Amy said "good, have over three hundred users, and no one knows how to use it from any other village"

Then Naruto was now ranked Genin, and he said "Kohaku, let's go"

Then Naruto and Kohaku now head to the Academy to introduce himself and show his capabilities of Haki and Kohaku.

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