Wind (5) ✔

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When you arrived at your house, you waved goodbye to the brunette as he walked off. He gave you a smile in return, and you blushed and walked inside.

When you got inside, you went to a big window that faced Yuri's window. Since you were neighbours, you had this window where you could see eachother out of. You noticed she was staring at you with a shocked look on her face. She dashed off and in one minute she was ringing your doorbell like a madman.

"YOU WALKED HOME WITH OIKAWA!?" you heard her exclaim.

You opened the door, nodded, and let her in before she could get too drenched by the rain.

"Are you guys dating or something?" she asked incredulously.

"No! He just wanted to! Apparently I was a 'damsel in distress' and he wanted to take me home," you laughed nervously.

"Wow. I thought you were going to study."

"Me too."

"Your love life is so messed up, (Y/n), I feel bad! Aren't you trying to get over him?"

"Eh- don't rub it in."

Your feelings you were trying to suppress were slowly becoming too powerful. You could feel them trying to overflow.

"I don't know what you see in him. Anyways, since it's Friday, I was thinking I'm going to cook you something. It's better than eating ramen all the time, and you can tell me all the details," your friend said excitedly.

"There isn't much to say, but if there's free food, heck yes!"


For the next week, you hung out with Oikawa and told him what Yuri liked and what she disliked. You went to different parks and possible date-places he could go with when he started dating Yuri. You had a lot of fun, but he normally just rambled on and on about how she was the perfect match for him, and with your help he'd be sure to win her heart. It got to the point where you were excited for the weekend. Although you were happy you two were hanging out, your heart ached whenever he started talking about Yuri.


You woke up at 10:30am and felt refreshed. You fell asleep at around 9:00pm, so you had plenty of sleep. The rain from last night had stopped pouring and the sun was shining through your window. You left your room and headed to the kitchen. Most of the delectable food Yuri made was gone, but you could slightly smell the scent when you walked near the counter.

Today was the day you'd finally get to relax all by yourself without any drama getting in the way. You hummed your favourite song, (S/n), loudly to yourself as you put in some toast in the toaster. As you waited for your toast to be ready, you received a call on your phone. You answered it.

"Hello?" you said.

"(Y/n)-chaaaaaaan! I called you a million times at 8:30 but you didn't pick up!" a voice complained.

You realized you had indeed dreamed of a strange buzzing sound, but you somehow managed to stay asleep.

"Oikawa-san... Seriously?" you sighed. "What do you want? Today I was supposed to relax..."

"You can relax at lunch. Iwa-chan and I are going to a cafe to order something and I decided to ask you! Make sure to invite Yuri! We're going to walk there so we'll swing by your house and get you both. You're both neighbours, right? Be ready by 11:45~!" the brunette hung up before giving you the chance to respond.

You groaned and turned off your phone.

While you waited for your breakfast to be done, you combed your hair and put on some casual clothes. You finished just in time and ate your food quickly, then you brushed your teeth and started reading a book. No makeup was required for you!

Suddenly, you realized Yuri didn't know Iwaizumi and Oikawa were coming, so you spammed her phone about lunch until she glared at you through her window. Hey, at least she was ready.

When it was 11:45, Oikawa and Iwaizumi arrived on time. Iwaizumi knocked on your door while Oikawa got Yuri.

"Hey Iwaizumi-san," you said shyly.

The boy nodded in acknowledgement.

You put on shoes and walked outside. You looked in Yuri's direction, and saw Oikawa- wearing glasses.

Oh CRAP! WHY DOES HE HAVE TO LOOK SO ATTRACTIVE!? you thought to yourself, blushing.

Yuri saw your flushed face and raised an eyebrow. She then purposely yanked Iwaizumi ahead of you and the brunette, leaving you alone to walk together.

Oikawa X Reader ~ In The Rain - [COMPLETED + EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now