Rainbow - Epilogue (17) ✔

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Some parts of this fanfic is cheesey, but screw that because this is the ending you've been waiting for.

It had been a a couple weeks since your arm had finally healed, and you stopped using it as an excuse to go to school. You had finally sorted out your true relationship with Oikawa and his relationship with Yuri. It made you happy that it had worked out perfectly.

"So you finally solved your dilemma?" Yuri raised her eyebrow at you.

"Mhm.. Tooru and I are dating now..." you blushed.

"Damn... You're going to have a bunch of rivals," your friend warned you.

"Yeah, but after all I've been through, I think I can handle some pesky fangirls!" you said assuringly.

Well, you spoke too soon. A bunch of girls poured a pitcher of cold water all over you.

"Well, crap," you groaned.

"ThAt'S wHaT yOu GeT fOr DaTiNg OiKaWa-SeNpAi!" a fangirl, probably a first year, snarked.

You silenced her with a glare.

"Yuri, I'm going to go and get my spare uniform..." you sighed.

Yuri offered, "Do you need me to come?"


You walked down the empty halls of Aoba Johsai. Everyone was at the cafeteria or outside on the rooftop eating, so no one saw how soaked you were. You reached your locker and quickly opened the door, but your spare uniform wasn't in there.

"Oh my god," you facepalmed.

You had forgotten to bring your spare uniform today, and it was the one day you actually needed it.

"(Y/n)-chan," Oikawa appeared out of nowhere, "What happened?"

"Oh, T-Tooru! Fangirls..."

"Ah," he blushed when he heard you say his first name, "Do you have a spare uniform?"

"Well, I have my outdoor shoes, and I think I can wear them instead!" you said sarcastically. "No, I don't. I'll probably go home early today then."

"Eh?! Noooooo! Here, take my uniform inst-" his voice was muffled as he took off his blazer.

"T-THERE'S NO NEED FOR THAT! I'll j-just go home!" you ran to the principal's office blushing like a crazy person.


"(Y/n)-chaaaaan, let me in! It's raining!" Oikawa banged on your door after practice ended.

You opened the door and the brunette dropped his umbrella to rush into your arms and kiss you passionately on the lips.

"Uhhhhh," you giggled, blushing.

You didn't really know how relationships worked, so you were still working on how to react when he surprise-kissed you or cuddled you when you were cold. He was really clingy to you, but you didn't mind, as you loved him as much as he loved you. (Yes, cringey, but that's love for you right there.)

"(Y/n)-chan, you're all dry now, right?" Oikawa asked.


"Okay, well, let's go on a date!"

"But it's raining, and aren't you supposed to have practic-"

"It's only drizzling, it was worse earlier! Pleaaaase! I want to see a rainbow with you! We can take so many selfies~!"

You smiled at your boyfriend. You had to admit, he had a natural flair for pictures- mostly selfies. You could see him snapping pictures of himself all the time.

As you walked under his umbrella, you asked skeptically, "Why did you really want to hang out today? You normally just want to stay at the gym to practice late."

"Ah, you saw right through me! I really wanted to go on a date with you because it was raining, you see?" your boyfriend stuck out his hand from under the umbrella.

You saw tiny droplets of water hit his palm.

"And," he continued, "this is the one time we could actually be together and see a rainbow!"

"God, you are so cheesey," you turned your head in a different direction so Oikawa wouldn't see the blush appearing on your cheeks.

"Tsk, tsk, (Y/n)-chan, you can hide your blush, but I can hear your heart beating like crazy~! You're the one who confessed to me, anyways, so don't go acting like you don't!"

You giggled and nodded shyly, which made Oikawa's heart started beating faster than usual.

As if on cue, the rain suddenly stopped.

"Yes! Okay, let's go find an empty spot!" he said excitedly as he dragged you along the sidewalk.

You both quickly found a bridge where you could see the sky clearly. It was over a huge body of water so it was quite beautiful. The sun was shining, and the storm clouds were already gone. (I'm horrible at describing things, do I hope you know what I'm talking about.)

"Ah, Tooru, there's the rainbow you were looking for!" you leaned over the railing.

"Oooh! It's in the perfect angle! Wait come right over here!" Oikawa gestured for you to come beside him.

He then made a peace sign while wearing a big grin, while you made a small, happy smile. He pressed the button on his phone, and he had taken the photo of a beautiful rainbow, and the two of you.

After the date ended, you were glad that even though you there were many storms you had to get through in the beginning, a rainbow appeared in the end.

♡~The end~♡


"Iwa-chan?!" Oikawa jumped, startled.

The two of you were heading to your home, when you saw Yuri and Iwaizumi quickly kiss at her doorstep.

"Oh-" Yuri stared at you and Oikawa.


Author's note: Uh yeah, so this is really cringey. I had to change some things in this chapter because they were really weird. I'll probably edit the rest later, after I finish writing my Karasuno story.
I could possibly change small details up, so be aware of that. Thanks for reading, and making it this far.

Second author's note: I realized I made Y/n very petty and childish- uhh- I'm just going to go and fix that real quick-

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