Evaporated (12) ✔

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After eating a big breakfast, you decided to go to a nearby park and practice volleyball. You didn't want to admit it, but you'd seen Oikawa play before, and it inspired you to play yourself. You were pretty good at it, but you had a lot to learn. You walked about half an hour until you reached a nice park with a few swings and a playground for younger kids. There was also a big field to play many kinds of sports or games. There was also a big volleyball net. You smiled, as there was only a few people on the swings and no one was using the net, so you had plenty of room to practice your sets, receives, and overhand serves.


"Dammit!" you groaned.

You had been practicing your overhand serves for about an hour, and you barely improved.

"Why does this have to be so hard?!" you asked yourself tiredly.

"(Y/n)-chan?" you heard a familiar voice say softly.

Another voice sounded out your name, "(-Y-/-N-)?"

"E-eh?! Oikawa-san?!" you squeaked. "Oh... and...?" you nodded at the small boy next to him.

"This is my nephew, Takeru," Oikawa informed you, though he was obviously surprised he bumped into you.

"Erm... So... What are you doing here?" you asked nervously.

"We came to this park since it's the closest to my home, and because it has a huge field so we can practice volleyball!" Takeru said excitedly.

"Oh! Cool!" you smiled at the young boy.

"Hey, is this girl one of your exes or something?" Takeru said as he turned to Oikawa. "You seem pretty tense."

"N-no, we never dated. It's just-" Oikawa's voice trailed off because he couldn't find an excuse to why he was tense.

"Well! It was very nice meeting you Takeru! I'm going to go now," you waved.

"HEY, WAIT!" Oikawa's nephew exclaimed.


"Do you play volleyball?!" he asked you excitedly.

You could almost see stars in his eyes.

"I'm not very good at it... I started a little while ago. I'm only good at setting, and my receives are only half-as-good as my sets," you replied.

You were trying to get away from Oikawa, but his nephew said, "You should play with us! We need another person to practice with! Oikawa can also help you with your overhand serves!"

A series of squeaky noises left your mouth.

"(Y/n)-chaaaaaaaaan, please???" Oikawa pleaded, forgetting the tension from earlier.

"Uhhhhhhh," you laughed awkwardly, "alright, fine."

"YAAAAAAAY~!" Oikawa gave his nephew a high-five.

You stared at them, dumbfounded. You succumbed to Oikawa's charms yet again.


Maybe you could just forget about Oikawa and Yuri just for a bit so you could enjoy yourself now.

"Okay!" Takeru announced, and he started forming rules for a game.

He was like a little boss ordering his workers around. You admired him for his leadership skills. In the end, the three of you formed a triangle trying to keep the volleyball up in the air by doing sets or receives. You had to admit, you were having a great time.

"(Y/n)-chan, send the ball to me next!" Oikawa called.

You sent the ball up, and you noticed that just by playing this game, your receives were getting so much better.

But of course, when things seem to be fine, something bad seems to pop up.

After trying to go after a difficult ball, you tripped and fell on your left arm.

You felt something break, and a cracking sound filled your ears.

Oikawa X Reader ~ In The Rain - [COMPLETED + EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now