End note ✔

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I'm unsure if I should do bonuses, even though I said I'd make some. I got another fanfic idea, so I'm going to focus on that instead.

I don't know if people will read this but...

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT FOR EACH CHAPTER! I appreciate it so much, and I'm very surprised this fanfic blew up... To be honest, at first I was never going to conplete it, but I saw people reading it so WhY nOt. I had a good time, and I was very motivated.

Unfortunately, I'm too lazy to edit it right now because I know the story, so I'm going to wait a little bit so I forget the storyline a bit, because I'm just going to skim through it if I do it now.

Again, I had an amazing time doing this, and I will get back to you with another story possibly later today or tomorrow, because I HAVE A GOOD IDEA COOKING, W8CYC8W8YVWIUGIHW.

- angelhxart ♡

September 6th 2020 edit:

Hi. I reread this and... it's CRINGEY. I went back and edited it, mostly to make Y/n less petty, but I couldn't do too much without editing the entire story.

Anyways, thanks. It means a lot.

Oikawa X Reader ~ In The Rain - [COMPLETED + EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now