Chapter 23: Out Of Tricks

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Also fun fact, this band is a local band from where I am from. I got to support local!

Happy Friday! I think summer has finally come here to my home town and I'm in love!

I hope you are enjoying the weather where ever you may be in the world.


I opened the door and smiled at Miles. "Come in."

He stepped into the house and rubbed his red hands together to warm them. His red nose was to match, which made it look like he was outside forever. "Goodness, it's cold," he said as he took out the ponytail from his hair, letting it hang loose around his face.

I chuckled as I closed the door behind him, preventing the cold from entering the warm house. Of course, it was cold out. It was December. If only he knew it would get colder in January. "It's not LA here." I kissed him, allowing it to ignite my soul. "So, ready for the basketball game?"

He nodded as he slipped on his standard gray beanie. He hid behind that worn-out thing like Superman hid behind his glasses. "No one will notice me with this."

"Miles! It's so great to see you!" Mom said with a smile as she came down the stairs, putting on some gold hoops that I hadn't seen her wear in a while. Her dressy appearance reminding me I hadn't seen her dress up in far too long.

My point proven; she recognized him. "No one, huh?" I smirked.

"She doesn't count, she knew I was coming."

"Yeah, ok. Remember, this isn't like that party you went to a few months back. People will not be drunk. You have to be careful if you want to stay hidden," I warned him as I pulled on a pair of white leather sneakers.

"I know. Goodness, with the way you talk about it, you would think that you're the famous person," he chuckled.

I laughed as Everly walked down the stairs proudly in her cheer outfit.

"I'm so glad you're here!" she said to Miles with a large smile before turning to Mom. "Let's go already! I'm going to be late!"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," he said as he high fived her.

I smiled at their relationship as I slipped on my brown peacoat.

He blended into my family as if he belonged here all this time. I never saw this happen with any of the boys I brought home before. It was another confirmation that Miles belonged with this family.

"Let's get going then," Mom said as she got her keys then we followed her to the SUV in the garage.

The ride to the school was long as Everly chattered about how she was the best cheerleader on the team. We all listened politely but as we drove into the school parking lot, I was excited that the conversation would come to an end.

"I'll see you in there." And with that, she let us find a parking spot in silence.

"Thank the stars," I muttered as Everly closed the door behind her.

"Isla, be nice," Mom threatened me.

I tucked a strand of blonde hair behind my ear as I looked at Miles to help. "She was talking way too much, right Miles?"

"Don't throw me into this," Miles said as he held up his hands, showing his red and scabbing wrists.

I frowned at the sight. I hadn't seen Miles wear short sleeves for a while now and recently he had been so careful about keeping his arms covered. I thought it was because of the cold, but as I looked at his wrists showing fingernail marks, concern flooded through me. I wondered how long he had been doing this and why I hadn't noticed before.

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