Chapter 38: Just Keen Enough

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This song is the "Ending Credits" song! Enjoy the last chapter of Too Keen For Me.

The beach in front of me made me smile. The smell of saltwater was carried by the breeze, forcing the smell up my nose as I watched the sun set over Venice beach.

For my first full day in LA, I felt like I belonged here for my whole life. I was made for more than Redding and I was just grateful that Miles saw that, too.

School started next week, and I was extremely excited. For as long as I could remember, UCLA was my dream school, and I was going. As much as I would like to say that I made it because of my own merits, I knew that wasn't true. Miles helped make this happen. He believed in me, cheered me on, even when I thought I was his cheerleader.

I crossed my arms over my chest and let out a shaky breath as he flooded my thoughts. The world may have moved on over his death, but I hadn't. There was an ache in my heart knowing he wouldn't be here with me. I couldn't help but think that things would be better if he was beside me, looking at the sunset. I could picture him reaching for my hand, and I would hold his, instead, I was here watching the sunset by myself.

Just like my father, I don't think I would ever fully get over him. Miles pushed himself into my life as if he belonged there. He made me smile, cry, and grow. He showed me how to be present and enjoy the moment, pushing me to be better, to realize that I, myself, could be better. He showed me how to love and how to love life. He made me understand that my mark is only as big as the life I live. Miles lived a full life, and his mark was enormous, and it would never fully disappear. Like a star in the sky, his light will constantly shine down on me, and so many others.

Kit Keen would be missed by the world, but for me, I would miss Miles. I always would.

I sighed as I picked up a rock and threw it into the ocean, causing a splash.

"Things will get better," Miles said as he appeared beside me.

I frowned at him as I remembered having this conversation soon after I met him. He asked about my Dad and I told him how I mourned over his death. I felt suck in a rut I couldn't get out of and wasn't happy. When he met me, I was a shell of what I used to be, but he helped me change. He said that he needed me, but in reality, I needed him just as much.

Miles and I had this bond that I couldn't explain. He helped me talk about my feelings. He made me believe what I felt was completely normal. He related to me, but at first, I didn't get it. I didn't believe that a pop star like himself could feel like a misfit, unwanted, and hurting. He looked like he had it all together, but he didn't.

"Before you know it, you'll be better, happier. It won't happen overnight, but over time you'll see a change," he said as he grabbed a hold of my hand.

I could almost feel the warmth of his hand on mine. I didn't want him to let go. "I miss you."

He nodded with a sad smile and with that, he vanished, and I was back in LA, not on a small street in Redding.

"Hey Isla! There you are!" a voice called out to me.

I turned to see Selena in a black one-piece swimsuit and smiled at her. She waved me over to join her group of friends.

When Miles mentioned Selena wanted to hang out, at first I wasn't sure if I believed him. Who would want to hang out with me? And then Miles died, I knew she wouldn't want to hang out anymore. We had no connection anymore without Miles. But I guess I was wrong. She was the first person who reached out after Miles died. And when I moved into my dorm; she showed up to help.

Without waiting any more time, I ran up to her and looked at my jean shorts and tank top. I then looked at all her friends, who wore swimsuits on their perfectly toned bodies. I felt out of place instantly, but Selena wrapped her arm around me and smiled.

"I didn't think we would get wet," I stated.

She shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal. "We aren't. It's just what we do, next time you come, bring a swimsuit, regardless of getting wet or not. Beaches are for swimsuits," she said as she pulled me closer. "So please tell me you are good at volleyball. I need someone with skills on my team."

I wouldn't say I was amazing, but I think I was alright. "I'm ok. I'll at least try my best."

"That's all I wanted to hear. You hear that, Brad? Isla can show you up." She pointed her finger at a tall, fit man with black hair.

I raised my eyebrows and shook my head. "That is not what I meant," I said, trying to defend myself. I didn't want to make any enemies, especially since I just moved here.

Selena laughed as she pulled me to her side of the net. "Just go with it. This is how you'll fit in," she whispered. She got the volleyball and tossed it into the air and with that, the game started and so did the rest of my life. 

And there we go! The final chapter of "Too Keen For Me"! I hope you enjoyed this story! I had a lot of fun writing it. I would love to hear your thought. Didn't like the ending? Just right? Would love to know!


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