Chapter 20: Going To Love

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Song for the start of the chapter!

I sat on my bed as I braided my hair, getting ready for sleep. Thanksgiving was over and Tristen was gone back to school. I thought I would spend all holiday with him, but he stood me up more times than I could count. I barely saw him and now that he was gone, it left a sour taste in my mouth. I told Tristen how much I wanted to hang out with him, but he constantly stood me up. And with Miles working in LA, I felt more alone than I had in months.

Someone knocked on my door, causing my head to snap up towards the sound. "Isla, it's me. Can I come in?" Miles asked from the other side of the door.

Before waiting for a response, he opened the door and closed the gap between us. As he approached, I saw his bags under his eyes. The few days in LA looked like it took a toll on him.

He sat down on my bed and hit his leg to loosen the muscles then yawned as he ran his hands through his hair which continued to grow out. "Thought I would come and visit after my trip. I missed you."

I smiled as I intertwined my fingers with his, longing to close the gap between us. I hadn't seen him in a few days, but it felt like forever. "How was your trip?"

He shrugged. "Too boring. How was the rest of your Thanksgiving break?"

I shrugged as I thought about how Tristen seemed to refuse to hang out with me. It was disappointing to say the least. Instead of thinking about it, I wanted a distraction. "Kiss me," I said as I pulled him closer to me.

On command, he kissed me. My heart raced as I let my hands wander right under the hem of his shirt. However, as he kissed me, I could tell something wasn't right. I pulled out of the kiss and stared at him, hoping to find the answers in his eyes. "What happened in LA?"

"It's Rodger."

"What did he do this time?"

Miles shrugged. "He keeps pushing me towards Izzy. She was in my hotel room this afternoon when I got back from recording. I made some excuse about going back to Redding ASAP to get out. Rodger put her there even though I told him time and again I'm not interested. I want you and he knows that, but he doesn't care."

Izzy was beautiful and popular and for a second, my insecurity got the better of me. "Maybe he wants you two together because together you would be like Jay-z and Beyonce."

Miles chuckled. "I'm surprised you know about them."

I hit him lightly. "Just because I'm not interested in pop doesn't mean I live under a rock."

He fell onto the bed and shrugged.

With a smirk, I straddled him. "Take that back."

He smiled as he pulled his shirt off, reading my mind. His tired eyes were replaced with excitement as he pushed me off of him. He pinned my arms under his as he straddled me. "Look who has the upper hand now?" he asked as his shirt fell back into place. He leaned down and kissed my neck softly, sending little electric shocks to shoot through my body.

I let out a soft moan, not wanting him to stop. I kissed him back until we heard someone knock on the door again. Instantly, Miles got off me and walked towards the window, as if he was looking out at it all this time.

I let a deep breath fill my lungs as I tried to control my breathing. "Come in," I said as I pushed myself to a sitting position, smoothing out my hair, eliminating proof of the make-out session.

Mom opened the door with two bowls of soup in her hands. "I figured you two would like something to eat."

"I'm starving. Thank you," Miles said, taking both bowls from her.

She smiled at him in silence, then left the room.

Miles handed me a bowl, then inhaled the soup.

"Have you not eaten at all day?" I asked as I took a spoonful.

"No, too busy," he said and took another spoonful. "We're wrapping up the new album. I was in the recording studio all morning long."

"Can I hear what you are working on?" I asked as I took another drink, finding it warm my whole body instantly, filling an empty pit in my stomach.

He nodded. "Check this out. I'm proud of it." He pulled out his phone and played an acoustic song.

I danced in my seat as I listened to the joyful song with an upbeat tune. "I love this."

He beamed at me. "Rodger doesn't like it. But I do. He thinks it's too different. But I'm trying to grow. I want to make my music different."

"Push back. You have that YouTube channel, right? Post it there. Give the fans something to hold on to before the album is released. Like a teaser," I said then drank the last of my carrot soup.

He chuckled then kissed me. "And this will give Rodger another reason to hate you."

I shrugged. "That's his problem, not mine."

"Thank you," he said and kissed me lightly.

"For what?"

"For being you." He smiled as his gaze shifted to his phone. "Oh, that reminds me, my parents are coming to visit in a few days."

I swallowed a lump of worry in my throat. His parents? Oh no. I knew where this was going. I couldn't go meet them. They would judge me and unlike Rodger's opinion, I cared about his parents.

"And I was wondering if you would want to meet them," he asked, hesitantly.

I rather die. His parents wouldn't find me good enough for him, I was sure of it. "I would love to meet them."

He beamed at me as he laid down on the bed. "They're going to love you."

No, they weren't.

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