1. A... Baby?

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TW!: Abandonment

    It was a fairly normal night for Virgil, he was off due to his vacation so he had more time to himself than he normally did.

He used his time wisely, of course, he sat on the couch drinking Pepsi and binge-watching Ghost Adventures, he is a night owl so it was midnight so who in their right mind would knock at this hour?

Well... Someone did and oh boy did it turn Virgil's life upside down..

Virgil's Pov
    I sighed as I noticed I took the last swig of the Pepsi 'I'm gonna run out of Pepsi at some point' I rolled my eyes, and got up to the kitchen, this time picking up a Gatorade 'Slightly healthier..' I returned back to start my show again when there was a knock at my door.

Of course, a normal person would go answer it right?


It's midnight! Who in their right mind is up at this time on the night?!

I grabbed my bat and sneaked up to the door, I grabbed my stool to look out the eye hole (he a short boi) when I couldn't see anything I cocked an eyebrow 'Are idiots really trying to ambush me?' I know that for a fact that most robberies that happen involve fake guns or they are too afraid to actually kill anyone.

None the less I opened the door and popped my head out and looked around "The hell..?" 'Who ding dong ditches at this time of night?'

That's when I looked down.


There's a damn baby on my front porch?!

I quickly looked around again before crouching down, the baby was in a small bassinet that luckily made sure that no snow got on his face, he was wrapped up in a small blanket with a singular cat plushie at his side and two envelopes.

I picked up the baby and held him in my arms, he immediately started crying and clung onto me, I shushed and bounced him 'Who the hell leaves a baby out in the damn cold!? He's freezing!' I looked up again to still not see a culprit before picking up the bassinet and it's contents and running inside.

I immediately swaddled him into a warmer blanket and bounced him, I thought of other ways to calm them down before deciding to change the channel to maybe something he'd like 'He has the cat plushie so maybe a cat show?' I brought up the show 'Too Cute' since I have it recorded for my nieces and nephews.

Almost as soon at the small kitten mew was caught on camera the baby started calming down before being quiet and watching the newborn kittens waddle their way into the baby's heart.

While the baby was calmly watching the show I was silently freaking out, I pulled one of the envelops, in it contained the baby's birth certificate 'Three and half months old?' I asked myself looking down at the infant 'Poor baby' he looked back down again 'Patton, Patton Heart? That's...a cute name' I pulled out the other envelope, it appears that this was on purpose.

Dear Person Who Is Reading This,

I am so sorry to do this to you and too Patton, I love him dearly but the situation I am in is extremely dangerous for my baby, I'm in a house of abuse, drinking, and drugs, I am also 15.

I got pregnant in a drunken one night stand with a charming man, but as soon as I woke he was gone, my friends are keeping me safe until I have arrived with Patton, so please don't feel pitty for me.

Having Patton would put us both in danger of the wrath of my Guardians, I love Patton too much for that too carry the guilt that would come should he get hurt by my actions.

As much as this pains me, I would rather Patton be happy than hurt, I can already tell he's a sweet, curious, and behaved child only being a few months old.

Make him happy, make him feel loved, and please don't look for me, as much as I would love to see how my boy grew up to be I would rather meet him again when he is ready.

Please, tell him I'm sorry. That I will always love my baby boy.


I also noticed the tear stains on the crumpled up paper, I didn't notice until after I finished reading that I started to cry during it, there was so much love from this teen that soaked into the paper.

I heard a coo my arms and looked down to see my tears on the baby's cheek "Oh I'm sorry" I said before grabbing a napkin and wiping Patton's cheek but when he looked back at Patton's sky blue eyes.

Patton giggled raising his chubby arm up at me, and I smiled warmly and brought my pinky up to Patton whose whole hand wrapped around it.

"I'll take care and protect you Patton, I promise you that"

Woo wee! That's the first chapter done of this book and rather angsty. What you guys don't know until I post this that I did something I've never done.

I did chapters beforehand, I'm probably only gonna get my fifth chapter done before I finally break and start publishing lol.


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