2. Harassment but Friendly Face

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TW!: Cat Calling, Insults, Attempted Assult, Abandonment mentioned

Patton giggled raising his chubby arm up at Virgil, and Virgil smiled warmly and brought his pinky up to Patton whose whole hand wrapped around it.

"I'll take care and protect you Patton, I promise you that"

Virgils Pov
I finally started to calm down since I sat with Patton and just played with him, that's when I realized, I needed to get the basics for a baby, like right now.

I reluctantly pulled my hand away from Patton who let out an unhappy grunt making me snicker and kiss his temple making him coo with content.

I felt my heart grow 3x bigger before grabbing my phone, I chose to call Logan, he is usually up all night doing work.

I waited until he finally chose to answer the phone "Salutations Virgil, may I ask why you are calling at such an hour?" I gave an uneasy chuckle before I looked down at Patton "We have a little problem...well a big problem" I could feel Logan's harsh stare through the screen "What did you do?" "I didn't do anything!... Nothing bad at least..."

His silence told me to continue so I did, I explained how I found Patton, brought him inside, calmed down Patton, and told him about the letter.

"Okay? While sad, you can just wait until the morning to take him to the orphanage. They will take good care of Patton." "Well...that's the thing.." he was silent for a few moments "Virgil, I know you are a good person but don't tell me.." he asked desperately "I wanna adopt him, Logan! If the girl wanted him to be miserable she would have taken him to an orphanage" I tried to explain "Patton doesn't deserve to be put in an orphanage either! He won't be happy there!"

"You do realize how much responsibility a child is?" he asked me "Of course I do, I've had to work with multiple for multiple days, they take a ton of responsibility and supervision, but I think I can do it!" there was a long pause before Logan sighed "You go to the store and I'll be over soon, I have a key anyway" he ended the call.

I can't tell if he was annoyed or mad but I agreed with Logan, about the basics, not the rest, I quickly tore Patton away from the TV and he started to cry and I bounced him while grabbing a pen and paper to make a list.

He reached up sniffing with a hand clenching and unclenching at me, I brought him up to my face and kissed his temple making him giggle softly and I decided I might as well try, I kept kissing around his face making him giggle so much so that I can finally grab a pen and paper.

I sighed softly as I sat back on the couch and put Patton back in his bassinet so I could look up the basics, he sniffles and looked up at me with a wobbly bottom lip and watery eyes, I sighed but smiled and put my left hand out to him to do as he pleased, which was mostly just either holding it or sucking on one of my fingers.

It was 1:16 am when I finished, it only took 25 minutes 'This was the slowest hour of my life' I triple checked that I had everything that Patton would need.

I sighed and got up and Patton started to cry again "Shh it's aright, I need to wash my hands and get ready, I'll be right back" I tucked him in with his kitty and kissed his temple before changing the channel to make sure it was going to stay to entertain him but I'm sure he'll let me know if it gets turned off.

I stepped back some and he didn't cry but he stared at me, I moved back further, still nothing, I rounded the corner and held my breath.


I sighed relieved before carefully walking to my bathroom and washed my hands of baby spit.

I went to my closet and pulled out my black hoddie crop top, my ripped up black shorts, ripped fishnets that went up to my waist and finally black combat boots.

Unlike I was complaining before, I actually like the cold, just not when it's cold outside and a baby is in a thin blanket.

I came out and grabbed the list and the handle of the bassinet and making sure that Patton was snuggled in and warm and grabbing my phone before heading out.

I always love it but also hated it out at night, it's always so cool and relaxing it helps all my worries wash away in the silent, calm, and peaceful night sky.

I hated it sometimes though because you never know when- "Aye yo mami!~" I heard behind me making me sigh internally, that, that's why I hate just going outside in general.

I kept on walking, if any bit, even faster but I could tell he hurried up his pace, I put my hand where my gun usually is but- 'Dammit! I knew I was leaving something!' This total stranger grabbed my wrist but I snatched it back from him "Don't touch me!" I snarled at him and held up his hands like he did nothing.

"Aye Aye calm down! Damn!" I rolled my eyes "Don't touch me! I don't know you!" I pointed at him making him back up more before smirking "Who would care if I touched you? You should be happy anyone would touch you, disgusting whore faggot" he spat at me "Oh? Like I haven't heard those words before. Be more creative no nipple peanut headed bitch" he looked at me with wide eyes before bringing his hand up "Don't talk to me that way you who-" before he could bring it down someone grabbed his wrist.

He swiveled back and glared at who was right behind him, I saw his expression drop when he saw a man twice my height hovering over him "O-Oh how are you doing sir?" he asked with a nervous chuckle only making the man more pissed "Get away from him, pervert" that's all the man needed to hear to run away.

He sighed before looking at me, his whole expression changing, it was soft, calm, and..cute.

"Hey, you okay? I hope I came in on time" he chuckled nervously rubbing the back of his neck smiling at me, I nodded "Yeah, yeah you did. Thanks, but I was more worried about Patton.." I chuckled and he looked at me confused "Patton?...I don't-" I brought the bassinet and he gasped only for Patton to giggle at him.

He brought his hands to his mouth to not squeal at the sheer cutness of Patton "Oh my God...he's so adorable! You must be his dad then right?" he asked and I shrugged "I...I guess" he then looked at me confused "You guess?"

I sighed "Someone left him on my door steps.. She was 15 and said she was in an abused home, could tell she loved him" he was shocked "I'm sorry to hear that..how old are you?" I chuckled "I feel like I should know your name first" he blinked a few times "Oh! My apologies! I'm Thomas! Thomas Sanders!" he held out his left hand for me to shake and I did.

"Virgil Burton" I smiled and he raised his eyebrows "Like Tim Burton?" he asked and I chuckled "A man of intelligence I see" I complimented and he chuckled "I was just a chiseled guess" he winked "Was..was that a pun?" I slowly smiled "Well that was the point but I guess it wasn't too sharp" he looked at me and I put a hand in front of my mouth "That was... Terrible" but he could clearly hear my giggles in the silent night "I guess it's not bad if it made you laugh" he complimented.

"Whatever...I'm 20" "25" when Patton started fussing I realized I had to go "Oh uhm, I'm sorry, I gotta go, I have a lot of shopping to do" I look apologetically "Where to? I actually had to go shopping until I heard that pervert" he asked "Target, it's the closest place" his eyes widened with excitement "Oh me too! Do you mind if we go together? We're going the same place and you seem to be fun to hang around" he explained.

I chuckled at his cute nervousness "Sure big guy" his face lit up "Oh yay!" we both started to walk.

I didn't realize how those three words would change my life for the better.

Words: 1460

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