4. Rumors and Late Breakfast

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"Thanks again Thomas" he smiled and I nodded "Its no problem-" I went to say more but yawned "Oh, you can stay here to sleep, it's not the best but I have a guest room you can sleep" he smiled.

I went to saw it was no problem and that I could just leave and come back but his smile was so sweet, he looked genuinely happy to have someone over and I couldn't help but smile back "Alright"
Virgil's Pov

    I felt bad that Thomas had to wear some old sweatpants of my brothers but he said he didn't mind, he also says he doesn't sleep with a shirt on anyway, which made my gay ass blush, but we're gonna ignore that.

I yawned as I got up to a crying Patton propped up on a table beside my bed '9:36' I got up groggily and picked Patton up 'Diaper then food' I brought Patton to the makeshift diaper changer and got onto that.

Once I finished I washed my hands before bringing Patton into the kitchen, he started to cry halfway through making his milk, luckily he didn't start to full on cry or bang his hands on my chest by the time I finished it and put the suckle in his mouth.

I finished feeding Patton and patted Patton's back making him spit up but I wiped his chin and my sleeve before sitting him down in bouncer and strapping him in so he can watch Paw Patrol.

After settling him down with his blankie, plushie, and his show I started to cook be and Thomas some breakfast...okay more like brunch but whatever, 'I hope he's not Vegan...' I started with chocolate chip and banana pancakes and made me and Thomas both three cakes but during that, I worked on cheesy eggs and bacon off the skillet, and some cinnamon rolls.

I basically made anything to make sure he would have something to eat, I walked past Patton and towards the guest room before I did I looked down at what I was wearing, it was some black booty shorts and a tight purple t-shirt.

I thought about changing but the food might get cold so I shrugged off my slight discomfort and knocked before enter an-


My mouth was open wide, he was laid out snoring but 'How can someone look so cute look so hot?!' I gulped before shaking my head and shook his shoulder "Thomas" just grumbles I shook a little harder and his eyes crack open but all he gave was a dopey smile.

I was going to try and shake him up again but he got a squeak out of me when he wrapped his strong arms around my waist "Uh- T-Thomas?" I asked but he was dead asleep, i blushed hard now feeling slightly embarrassed that he could rest his arms on my hips so easily.

"THOMAS!" he shot awake at that but pulled me further into his chest as he sat up "Huh- Wha- Where am I?" he asked and I chuckled "My house Dum-Dum" he blinked a few times before realizing what he was doing and pulled away "Oh! Uh- my uhm.." I couldn't help but notice he was checking me out making me giggle, which seemed to pull his attention to my face and blushed more.

"I made breakfast- er brunch really" I chuckled still in his arm "Oh? You did? Thank you Virgil!" he smiled up at me "Come on, foods gonna get cold, uh you're not allergic to anything are you?" luckily he shook his head.

He finally pulled away and we entered the kitchen and he gasped "Oh my gosh!! Everything smells and looks so good!!" he gushed making me blush "Well I wasn't sure what you'd want" I pulled out the syrup "I'm gonna have such a stomach ache after this, thanks again Virgil!" he smiled before sitting down "Just think of it as a small thank you" he stared at me with a smile and..something in his eyes.

He gasped softly, "I forgot my phone, I'll be right back!" he said before rushing so he can get back, I started to tuck in when Thomas came back on the phone.

"Hey Roman...yeah I'm alright...huh? Well yeah I'm at someone's house but how did you know?" he asked before shoving some syrupy pancakes in his mouth before rolling his eyes back "Soooo good!" he muffled out making me giggle "Thank you"

"Hm? Oh yeah..mm..I'm eating... Chocolate Chip Banana Pancakes! You have to try them, dude! ...Huh? What do you mean to check Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat?... Obviously, I haven't...he woke me up not too long ago..." I flinched softy at 'he' but waited "Fine! I'll check when I finish eating! Bye Roman!" he quickly hung up and rolled his eyes softly "Sorry, my roommate Roman is worried I'm in a random dudes house"

I flinched again "Hey erm about that.." he looked at me curiously "Uhm I'm actually nonbinary" he chocked at him food "Oh- oh I'm so sorry!" he tried to calm down his choking so i quickly got him a glass of milk and he drank it "Thanks, and Sorry, I should have asked your pronouns!" he said apologetically and I shook my head "It's okay! At least you're cool with it..right?" I dared asked "Of course! I have two friends that are nonbinary, i feel like you guys would get along great!"

I smiled "Thanks-" before I could finish my phone rang and I answered "Logan? What's-...huh? ...Yeah..I do have someone over, how did you-? ..Logan calm down! ...Yes, I know but- Come over if you want then...alright I'll see you...yeah I'll check it out geez...bye" I sighed "That's...so weird" I looked up from my phone up to Thomas who was looking equally as confused.

Almost at the same time we pulled up our apps and- what the hell-



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