Ch. 3-Another Disaster

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As soon as he reached the classroom, Team dropped his bag on the chair and opened it to take out a notebook and pen. He looked at Pharm and Manow, his desk mates and close friends, who were engaged in a deep conversation. Usually, Team would wish them a good morning. But today, he was not in the mood.

Team turned to Pharm on hearing that familiar rustle to see his friend placing two of his favourite yellow packets of potato chips on his desk with a smile. If his father knows about it, Team would be buried alive. So he usually asks Pharm to buy the chips for him and finishes it before reaching home. "You look like you really need this today," Pharm said, looking at Team. "Thanks darl, you are a life saver," Team replied as he grabbed the packets and kissed Pharm on his left cheek, leaving the TeamPharm shippers in the classroom squealing in excitement. Manow, the leader of the shippers, clicked several photos of the moment, while Pharm gasped and responded with his usual "Teaaaaam." "Save the moans for P'Dean, Pharm," Team teased to which a blushing Pharm smacked him on the arm and pouted. "You better don't go in front of P'Dean today. As soon as I post this photo, he might come for you," Manow warned, her eyes growing dramatically wide. "Yeah, the worst he'll do is to murder me with those stares. He already killed me five times last month for not keeping up my record time in swimming. I'm kind of immune to his stares now," Team chuckled. His eyes suddenly grew wide on seeing the wall clock and he panicked. "I really have to rush now, see you guys later," he said grabbing the notebook and pen, and dashed out of the classroom. Team could hear Pharm and Manow asking where he was going, but he couldn't afford to respond right now.

The corridor was crowded with students preparing for the events. On the way to the stairs, Team could see Prem with a bunch of girls surrounding him, who were cooing over his winks and poses. Prem waved at Team, his grin reaching his ears, and on seeing his fans pout, went back to consoling them. Such a player! Team thought, shaking his head, and continued walking.

Team stepped on the first stair and was pushed around by a squealing bunch of girls, who crowded the staircase and disappeared in a minute. Before he could barely decipher what was happening, Team felt himself fly. "Team!" he could hear Prem's voice from behind. He landed with a huge thud at the end of the stairs. "Oh my God!" he could hear people scream. Team lied on the floor for a few seconds and tried to get up as Prem and few girls supported him. He could taste blood on the left corner of his mouth. Despite being a bruised mess, Team managed to put up an okay face, to hide his embarrassment. Phew! It isn't so bad. Thankfully, it doesn't hurt much, he thought as he took a step forward, but the next moment  a sudden pain shot up on his right ankle, making Team stumble. As he fell to the ground for the second time, Team's heart thumped against his rib cage on recognising that person in front of him, whose face he didn't want to see at the moment, when he was an embarrassing clumsy puddle.

"Thank God it's just a sprain. Does it hurt so much?" Prem asked, concerned, as Team sat on the green coloured bed in the first aid room, hugging his knees. The nurse had just finished bandaging his ankle. All Team could do was to sob in silence. He scrunched up his eyes and cursed himself in his mind, as his sobs grew louder. Prem sighed at the sight and sat next to Team, side hugging the younger to calm him down. Suddenly, the school bell rang, followed by the announcement siren. "Attention students! Those who are participating in the special assembly should gather at the auditorium in 30 minutes," the voice of the school principal could be heard through the speakers. Team wiped his tears and relieved himself from Prem's hold. "Are you okay?" Prem asked, standing up, seeing the younger drag himself off the bed. "Yeah, I have to go to the library. I am reading today's news," Team said, his eyes puffed and voice hoarse, as he limped his way towards the exit with Prem following him.

Prem parted ways with Team in front of the library. He was in charge of taking photographs for the day's events. So Team couldn't bother the elder to accompany him. He walked into the library building and took the newspaper from the metal magazine stand placed near the reception. Sitting on the first chair he saw, Team quickly copied five to six of the day's headlines, not even bothering to read what was written there.

Team opened the door and walked towards the make-up room backstage in the school auditorium. "Oh my God! Team, what happened?" Manow and Pharm, who stood on the corridor practising their song, asked, seeing their friend's bruised face and bandaged leg. "I fell," he said. If he had to explain more, Team knew that he would cry. "I am okay," he replied to Manow, who went on bombarding him with questions as she and Pharm held Team from both sides and helped him settle on a chair in the room. "Pharm, Manow, come fast, it's time," May, their senior called out from the door. "We have to leave now. Team, are you sure that you will be okay?" Pharm asked to which Team nodded and said, "Yeah, go."

After Manow and Pharm left, Team let out a deep sigh. Nothing felt good today. Out of all the days, he had to fall today, that too in front of somebody he had a crush on. Team felt a hot lump rise in his throat as the snippets of his embarrassing fall flashed in his mind. He closed his eyes so as to not let his tears fall. Not now. Suddenly, the door to the room opened and Team could hear a bunch of footsteps. And then the chant by the female voices thundered in his ears. "P'Win, P'Win," he could hear them scream. Team felt his heartbeat increase, as he sat with his head lowered and eyes tightly shut. No, not now, not now, please.

After a few minutes, the voices died down. "Students, please stand up for the school prayer," Mrs. Sequira's voice could be heard through the speakers. Team finally opened his eyes and let out a sigh. He knew that he had no choice, but to look up. Team got up from the chair and looked towards the opposite direction. There he was! The boy he had a crush on, actually, the whole school had a crush on.

Win stood with his bandmates, muttering a word or two when they asked him something. The silver-coloured earrings that almost covered his earlobes, shone under the light. His blond hair was tied at the back and his brown eyes gazed around the room. The first two buttons of the perfectly fitting white shirt he wore were left open and the blue tie hung loosely from his neck. His left hand was in the pocket of his trousers and the right hand was holding an acoustic guitar. His cold stares and the face that showed no emotions at all did justice to the nickname his fans have given him-The Ice Prince.

Hi guys, so, Win finally makes an appearance after 2 chapters. Do you like the story so far?

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