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Team climbed the stairs to the rooftop as fast as he could, not caring for the calls of his boyfriend from behind, asking him to stop. Win put an arm around the younger as both panted for air, earning a glare from Team. He removed Win's arm from his shoulders and threw it to his side, before walking towards the back of the storeroom.
"Wait, Team, are you sulking?" Win asked, following the younger. After settling down on the tiled ground, Win passed a bottle of water from his bag to Team. The younger grabbed the bottle from him without saying a word. "You really don't want to talk to me? We're meeting after 6 days," Win said as he wiped the sweat off his boyfriend's forehead with a tissue paper. "Do you think I'm fat?" Team asked, making Win furrow his eyebrows in confusion. "Wait, when did I say that?" he asked. "Then what's this message?" Team asked, shoving his phone on Win's face. Win took the phone from him and burst out laughing, shaking his head, to which Team's glares towards him intensified.

Earlier that day...
It had been one week since Team and Win started dating. Lots of things happened in that one week. Win asked Team to call him hia and Team got to see more of the gentle side of Win. They held hands the next day when they met and Win properly asked Team out, leaving the younger blushing all day. The rest of the week, both of them got busy with their stuff, making it impossible for them to meet and Team missed his hia terribly. Team's phone buzzed, breaking his thoughts. He broke into a smile as soon as the name "Win" was displayed on the screen. He opened the message that read, "Good morning my pao," and his smile grew wider. But the next second, it changed into a frown. Wait, pao? did he just call me fat? Team sighed, touching his chubby cheeks. He kept the phone on his table fuming, and opened a packet of his favourite potato chips to help him cool down. "Are you okay? Is there anything worrying you Team?" Pharm asked, seeing his friend shove a handful of chips into his mouth. Team nodded his head in denial. Suddenly Manow's scream from the next table startled them. "What is it Manow?," Team asked, irritated. "Oh my God Team, look at this, he's so hot," Manow said, showing her phone to Team, making the boy clench his fists causing the potato chips that he held in his hand turn into crumbles. It was a photo of Win from the concert few days back, where his white shirt lay unbuttoned until the last two, exposing his abs. "Where did you get this?" Team asked, his expression turning serious. "My cousin had gone for the concert, she clicked this. Oh my God, look at those fine abs," Manow exclaimed excitedly. That's it. Team felt his anger rise. How dare he? He sent me a photo with every button of his shirt closed, before going for the concert, and then he wanted to show off? Team heard his phone ring. It was Win. Team chose not to attend the call and then switched the phone off before paying attention to the teacher who just came in. He switched on his mobile phone during the lunch break and there were lots of messages and calls from Win. He was just scrolling through his phone when he heard his classmates squeal in excitement, making Team look up and jump from his seat. His hia was standing in front of him, not the soft one he has been seeing for the last one week, but the ice prince. "What's happening? are they? Oh my God," Manow's mouth went wide open as her eyes followed the boys storming out of the classroom, the elder dragging the younger along with him. Pharm touched Manow's chin to close her mouth and smiled, shaking his head. As they reached in front of the swimming pool building, Team relieved his hands from Win's grab and glared at him before walking off, leaving the elder confused. "Wait, Team, why didn't you attend my calls?," Win asked as he took quick steps to reach his sulking boyfriend.

"I called you pao because you look so cute like the dumpling. You don't like it? Okay, hia won't call you that any more," Win said, rubbing the younger's hair. "Cute? How can a dumpling look cute?" Team scoffed. "Your cute cheeks here remind me of pao," Win said, pulling his boyfriend's cheeks to which Team turned a shade of red. He tightened his lips to supress his smile and then nodded his head. "Okay, you can call me that," he mumbled to which Win smiled. "Are we okay now?" Win asked, making Team bite his lips and shake his head in denial. "What now?" Win asked, furrowing his eyebrows and taking a sip from the water bottle. "Why were you naked on stage during that concert?" Win spat the water out, hearing Team's question. "What?" he asked to which the younger glared at him. "Dress properly, don't go off showing your body to everyone. See you aren't even wearing your uniform properly. Why do you have to leave these three buttons open?" Team asked, tugging the collar of Win's shirt. "Is my pao being jealous?" Win asked, smirking, earning a smack on his arm from Team. "Okay, speaking of which, even you aren't wearing your uniform properly. Where's your tie?" Win asked. Team pulled out his tie from his pocket and showed it to Win. "Here, but I don't know how to tie it. Pharm tried to teach me a lot of times, but I didn't understand," Team said, scratching his head. Win took the tie from the younger's hand and moved to sit opposite to Team. He put the tie around Team's collar and tied it for him. "From now on, come and meet me here in the morning, okay? I'll tie it for you," Win said, his face turning soft, as Team blushed hard. Team remembered how he used to wonder why Pharm always blushed around Dean and now here he is, his face always red when his hia is around. "You didn't have to come to my classroom like that. Now people are going to talk. I hadn't even told Pharm and Manow about us," Team said. "Are you worried? Pharm might know about us because Dean knows," Win said as he brushed aside the younger's bangs that fell on his forehead. "I am not worried about people knowing. It's just that your fans might eat me alive. Also, I'm worried about how my parents will react," Team said, his fingers playing with the end of his sleeves. Suddenly he felt Win's palms cup his face, causing Team to look up, his eyes meeting the senior's. "Remember this, okay? Even if there will be any problems in the future, we'll face it together. Hia will always be by your side, okay?" Win said assuring his boyfriend before leaving his face to hold Team's hands. Team felt his eyes fill up on hearing his boyfriend's words. He was touched. Team then took a deep breath to raise his head and looked directly into his boyfriend's eyes. "I love you, hia," he whispered, causing Win's eyebrows raise in suprise. "I love you too my pao," Win replied, smiling, as he touched Team's forehead with his, before capturing the younger's lips for a deep kiss. Team felt himself melt into the kiss, his eyes closed and hands wrapped around his boyfriend's neck, as he realised that his hia is the little ray of sunshine he badly needed in his life.


Ps: Please check the second part "My Kind of Perfect" to know the story from Win's POV. Thank you😊❤️

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