Ch.9-The Silver Lining

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The school bell rang, marking the end of the day. Team wiped off the drool from his face using a tissue paper and got up to go to the restroom. Even after sleeping for about an hour, he didn't feel any better. Team reached back to his table and looked out of the window while packing his bag; the weather was just like how he was feeling right now. It was only 4 pm, but the sky was already turning dark and the rain looked like it doesn't intend to stop anytime soon.

"Team, let me help you," Pharm said as Team got ready to leave. Suddenly, they were interrupted by a knock on the classroom door. It was Dean, who came to pick up his boyfriend. "Go, don't make him wait," Team told to his friend, who stood confused, his gaze going back and forth from Team to Dean. "But, you walked around a lot today with that leg. Will you be okay to walk to the school bus?" Pharm asked, concern reflecting in his voice, to which Team nodded his head. "Go Pharm. If he can't walk, I'll help him," Manow assured. Pharm then nodded his head and bid goodbye to his friends before walking towards Dean. "They hadn't met for about a week. P'Dean will kill us if we make his noo stay,"Manow said, as both friends watched the lovers walk away, their hands intertwined. "So, shall we go?" Manow asked, stretching her hand to support Team. "No, it's okay, I can walk," he said, rejecting her aid. "Okay then let's go together. I too have to board the bus anyway," Manow said, taking her school bag and joining Team to get out of the classroom. Just as they reached the corridor, few girls from the music club approached them. "Manow, you are wanted in the music club right now. You passed the first round of selections for the cultural fest. The second round will be on Monday," May, their senior said. Manow looked at Team, pouting her lips, to which the boy gave a half-hearted smile. "Congratulations girl, you did it. Go, I will be okay," Team said, patting his friend's arms before her club mates dragged her along and walked away.

Team stood at the entrance of the building not knowing what to do. The school buses were parked in the basketball court, a few feet away from his building, and he had no umbrella with him. He stood there for a few minutes, looking around, when the sight of his younger brother rushing towards the school bus caught his eye. The younger had an umbrella with him that was big enough to fit two people. "Mix...Ai Mix..., " Team called as loud as he could, cupping his hands around his mouth, but it didn't reach the younger's ears. The boy dropped his hands, defeated and let out a deep sigh.

There's no option left Team, let's do this, he thought, a few moments later, and took a step forward, covering his head with the school bag. He could feel his shoulders getting wet and Team was sure that by the time he reaches the bus, he will be drenched. But, he was not even in the state to run. Suddenly, Team felt a hand wrap around his shoulders, startling him, and then, he wasn't feeling the raindrops on his shoulders anymore. He looked up to see the dark blue fabric of an umbrella, making him furrow his eyebrows, and next, he looked to his right and almost had a heart attack. The first thing he saw was a neck with pale skin, and then, his eyes travelled up to see silver-coloured earrings almost covering the earlobe and then strands of blonde hair that were long enough to cover the face. No, it can't be, Team thought, shaking his head vigorously. Suddenly Team felt cold fingers grab his nape to stop him from shaking his head. "Bus no. 8, right?" he heard a soft voice say and Team felt his breath being caught in his throat and his legs refusing to move further, causing him to stay rooted to his spot. The person next to him moved a step ahead and stopped in his track before turning and moving the umbrella forward to cover Team, whose back was now getting wet from the rain. "Team," he called, this time taking a step towards the younger, the brown eyes looking directly into his, throwing Team into a daze. Team blinked his eyes after what he felt like an eternity, still trying to confirm if this was real. In contrast to the cold winds that were making Team shiver, he felt heat spread on his cheeks. "Team," he heard his senior call by shaking him by the shoulder, to which the younger replied by a "uh?" "Are you okay? Does your leg hurt?" the otherwise ice prince had concern written all over his face and he bent to check the junior's leg, still holding the umbrella up. "I'm fine," Team replied to which Win straightened up. Team felt the lean hand wrap around his shoulder once more, this time holding the younger closer to his body as they moved forward. He could smell Win's cologne with every breath he took and his arm grazed the lean, but hard, chest, making him realize that the proximity was too close. What should I do? Is it okay if I put my arm around him? Will that be too much? Team was lost in thoughts when he felt Win's cold fingers grab his right arm and put it around the latter's lean waist, making the younger gasp. Team was trying to understand what really was happening when he heard the soft voice once again, "You are cute." Team gaped and suddenly touched his cheeks that were burning as if someone set them on fire. He then furrowed his eyebrows and stared at Win's face that was just few inches away from his. Did I hear it right? Team thought as he felt his heart ready to pop out of his chest any second. Win's face looked expressionless, as if the words that Team heard earlier were of his own imagination. The younger was trying hard to gather his thoughts, when he heard his senior speak, "We're here." Team looked around and he was standing near the entrance of his school bus. "Thanks," he mumbled and turned, shutting his eyes tight and his right palm pressing against his left chest. Was that thanks too short? Should I have said something more? Team thought as he took the first step to board the bus. "Wait," Win said, making Team stop and turn around. He saw his senior hold the umbrella with the right hand and pull something out of his left pocket. "Here, apply this on your bruises," Win said extending a white packet towards Team, the senior's face reflecting warmth. The younger stepped down from the bus and took the packet. "Thank you," he said, this time louder, while wondering whether he should stay or go back. The next moment, Team saw Win take out something else from his pocket and place it on his hand. He looked at the black coloured mobile phone that Win just gave him and looked back at his senior, confused. "Give me your number," Win said, making Team's eyes grow wide. Is this really happening? He thought as he watched the senior raise his eyebrows gesturing Team to type in his number. Team could see his thumbs shiver and his mind not in its right state as he typed and erased each number many times. Finally, as he managed to type the 10 digits and give back the phone, he sighed in relief. Suddenly Team felt the phone in his pocket ring. He took it in his hands to see an unknown number being displayed on the screen. "That's my number," he heard Win say to which Team just nodded his head. The younger fumbled with his phone thinking what else to say other than thanks. He looked at Win's face, expecting the senior to say something. Suddenly he felt the elder boy grab him by his arm and take a step closer, making the younger blush like a tomato. Team felt every hair of his body stand up when he felt Win's breath fall on his right ear. "I wasn't looking at Lisa; it's you, my kind of perfect person," he heard the senior whisper in his ears. Team felt tears trickle down his eyes and he stood, not understanding what to do. He wanted this moment to happen someday and the thought itself had made butterflies twirl in his stomach many times. But here he was bawling his eyes out instead. He felt the senior look at him in confusion and then the cold hands touched either of his cheeks, one after the other, wiping away the younger's tears. Team didn't know if it was too fast, his mind was too blank to even have any thoughts. He inched closer to Win, gulping, and then pecked the senior's lips. Team's eyes widened as he suddenly realised what he just did and moved away, covering his mouth with his hand. Team's eyes darted towards Win, who stood in front of him startled. The next second, Team saw a rare, but beautiful scene, unfold in front of him. Did he just smile? Team looked at Win in amazement. The ice prince was really smiling, showing his beautifully arranged pearl white teeth. Team looked around and suddenly grinned knowing that he was the only one seeing that moment. That smile was only for him. He could feel his heart do a flip and Team felt like the happiest person on earth at that moment. "You are really cute," Win said, caressing the younger's cheeks, his smile still intact. Team then saw his senior lean forward and he felt those beautiful lips, that he just kissed, touch his forehead. Team just closed his eyes, savouring the moment.

Their moment was disturbed by a commotion approaching towards them. Both opened their eyes to see students coming to board the bus. "I have to go now," Win said to which Team nodded his head. "I'll see you tomorrow, bye," the senior said before turning back and walking away towards the back of the bus. Team wasn't sure if he was dreaming all the time, and if at all he was, he felt like he didn't want to wake up from it. The last five minutes was the only happiness he felt on a day, otherwise, filled with disasters.

Team saw Win turn back and wave at him, smiling, before making a left turn. Team reciprocated his actions, smiling widely. As he turned to board the bus, Team suddenly realised that the rain had stopped a while ago, but he barely noticed it until then. He looked up to the sky to see sun rays coming through the clouds, just like how he was feeling then. This feels good. Falling in love feels good, Team thought as he felt a huge grin spread on his face.

Hello everyone,

Thank you for reading my story and voting for the chapters. Hope you enjoyed reading it. Shall I write this story from Win's perspective  next or move on to write a different one? Please give me your suggestions. Thank you once again :)

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