1. Bro's Before Hoe's

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Sometime during the event's of Single Father (Book 1)

Sometime after Nam's Cafe had closed one night and I was blabbering Namjoon's ear off with lame jokes that made him laugh, Namjoon turned to me with a smile on his lips "Wanna come over?" Namjoon asked suddenly, I had been coming over every day whenever I could just to see him, I could tell he was annoyed with my lame dad jokes but he never pushed me away or told me to leave, this has been going on for a little while but I never thought he would be asking to his place "Uh...Jin?" Namjoon waved his hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts "Huh? O-oh, yeah, sure!" I smiled but felt a little uneasy as I followed a smiling Namjoon out to our cars

I crawled into my own car, nervously wiping my palms on my jeans, why would he ask me over to his place? Nothing good could come of this... I followed behind Namjoon's car until we got to an apartment building and both of us found a parking spot. We met up in the middle of the parking lot where Namjoon leads me into the building and up to his room. "Sorry for the mess, I really haven't had anyone here for a while" Namjoon seemed a little embarrassed but as I stepped in and looked around the only 'mess' I saw was stacks of books on all the table surfaces and crammed in little nooks and crannies "Oh, don't worry about it" I waved it off, a shy giggle leaving my lips

Namjoon smiled, seeming to lighten up a bit after picking up some books from one place only to place them in another on a whole new stack of books "Uh, would you like a drink?" Namjoon motioned to the fridge as he walked up to it "Oh, no thank you" I smiled and shook my head softly, Namjoon nodded and rubbed the back of his neck "So, Namjoon...why did you offer me to come?" I walked over to the couch and took a seat while Namjoon followed "Well...I wanted to get to know you better. You're always telling jokes at the Cafe and never talking about yourself or even letting me talk" Namjoon chuckled nervously which made me a little guilty "Ah...I'm sorry, I should have shut up" I mumbled, turning my gaze to the floor

"Oh, no! Don't think of it like that, I loved the jokes, honestly" Namjoon quickly tried to brighten the mood "Really?" I looked up at Namjoon with a raised brow, the younger male nodded "Hm, well it seemed to me you were quite annoyed with all the jokes" I was a little wary of Namjoon, what was he lying to me for? "Heh, you noticed?" Namjoon exhaled "Look, I don't wanna hurt your feelings, but...those jokes were all pretty lame..." Namjoon confessed, "Then why laugh at them?" I questioned "Well...I like you a lot and I didn't want to upset you by telling you how bad those jokes were, a-and some of them were actually funny" Namjoon bit his lip, hoping I would forgive him

I stared at Namjoon for a moment before smiling and laughing softly "You like me, huh?" I felt a light blush coating my cheeks after I had said the words myself, Namjoon's cheeks having their own pink hue on them "Y-yeah, I figured you felt the same way since you came to the Cafe all the time just to tell me those jokes" Namjoon shuffled in his seat, a hand on the back of his neck sheepishly "Well, actually...I do have feelings for you too, and yes, that's exactly why I keep coming over and telling those lame jokes. I never figured out how to properly talk to a guy who I liked so those lame jokes are sort of the ice breaker for me" It was my turn to rub the back of my neck shyly

Namjoon seemed lost for words but after a moment of awkward silence he turned to face me and nervously spoke up "Jin, would you mind if I...kissed you?" His voice was soft and innocent, I felt my heart skip a beat and looked over at him with slightly widened eyes. I stared for a moment before slowly nodding and watching Namjoon lean in slowly...until our lips met, my eyes fluttered shut as I kissed him back, his hand coming up to my cheek as he deepened the kiss, which must be giving him more confidence as he began leaning closer, almost pushing me onto my back

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