10. Happily Ever After

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May 26, 2022

It's been a month since I had Nanook and Jin-Kyong, I've been on maternity leave from work and I couldn't even remember how long it's been that I've been as happy as I am since having kids of my own, I've always had a knack for kids and always wanted to be around everyone else's kids but now I finally have my own with the man I love, speaking of Namjoon, he has gone back to working almost full time but when he comes out of the office he always comes over to give each of us a kiss before going back to work

I sat on the couch with the twins and tried feeding them both bottles at the same time, it was proving hard but I had to feed them before Jungkook got here to take care of them for me since today was my first day back at work "Come on, stay in there" I grumbled to the nipple of the bottle I was trying to keep in Nanook's mouth as he was fussing since the nipple was moving

I groaned and leaned my head back, both bottles fell into my lap and both babies began to cry, unfortunately, Namjoon was shut up in the office and the door was so thick he couldn't hear that I use his help. Luckily, Jungkook knocked and came in right after "Hyung, what's going on?" He laughed as he came over and grabbed one of the babies and a bottle and began rocking the baby and feeding him "Oh, thank God you're here, Namjoon is busy and I have got to get ready for work" I resituated Jin-Kyong in my arms and gave her the bottle again which she gladly took

"I've got Nanook, you finish with her and you can go get ready, I'll take them to my place and you can pick them up on the way home" Jungkook suggested and I nodded in agreement. I finished feeding and burping Jin-Kyong and laid her in the small crib sat on the couch beside Jungkook and rushed to the bedroom to get ready for work

After getting ready for work I rushed into the office and kissed Namjoon's cheek "I gotta go, Jungkook is taking the babies to his house and I'll get them on my way home. Love you!" I left the office before Namjoon could say a word and gave each of the babies a kiss on the head before bowing slightly to Jungkook in thanks "Thank you again for watching them, I'll be around sometime after 6 to get them" I grabbed my bag and headed for the door "No worries, I'll handle them" Jungkook smiled and shook his head as he turned his attention to the two children and eventually took them to his house

During work, I was a nervous wreck, worrying constantly about the babies, and every second I had I would text Jungkook how they were and the answer was always the same. I joined up with Yoongi and Taehyung in the break room "Hey Jin, I heard Jungkook was watching the twins. How are you feeling being at work again?" Taehyung spoke up when he saw me "Uh, I'm kinda freaking out but it's not because I don't trust Jungkook because I do but I just...I don't wanna be away from them" I admitted

Yoongi chuckled "I felt the same way when I had to get a job here and leave Jimin and Yumi but I knew it was something I had to do to provide for the two most important people in my life" Yoongi rubbed his neck shyly, he never liked to express his feelings "Yeah...has Jungkook talked to you Tae?" I looked back at Taehyung who checked his phone "Yeah, he's calling you paranoid and finding it funny because the twins are perfect angles and everything is going fine" Taehyung chuckled which made Yoongi chuckle and I rolled my eyes at the two


May 28, 2022

2 days have passed since I've been going back to work and I realized just how depressed I was when I was away from my babies and I get so happy when getting them back from Jungkook, I took off work today just to be with them and I couldn't be happier. I held both babies in my arms and managed to open the office door "Joonie, I need to talk to you" I walked in and kicked the door shut before walking over to Namjoon and passing him one of the kids "Sure, what's wrong?" Namjoon asked while making faces at Jin-Kyong "I think I'm gonna quit Hot Dragon" I stated matter of factly and Namjoon froze

Namjoon looked up at me while bouncing Jin-Kyong gently on his lap "But Jin, it's your dream job" Namjoon looked perplexed "I know but I'm just so depressed being away from these two all day everyday" I admitted while stroking Nanook's hair "Well what are you gonna do, become a housewife?" Namjoon furrowed his brows "Why not? I'll be with my kids all I want. It can't be hard, Jimin and YoungJae do it and they're happy. I just want to be with them all I can" I exhaled

Namjoon sighed "I thought you wanted to be one of those families that have two working and successful parents?" I shrugged "I guess it's not something I'm interested in anymore. Maybe down the road, I'll work again but you make more money than I do anyway so it just makes sense for me to quit and be a housewife" I looked down at Nanook and smiled at his cute little face

"Well, if it's what you want Baby, I'm not gonna stop you and I support your decision" Namjoon smiled before leaning over and pecking my lips which made me smile "Thank you Joonie, I love you" I stood from sitting on the next "I love you too" Namjoon smiled and passed Jin-Kyong back to me before I left the office


I've been staying home for the past couple of months now and it was exactly what I needed to destress and be me again, Namjoon even makes time to come out and hang out with us as a family, I felt like everything finally came together and I couldn't believe I was able to be happy myself with someone I loved and even have kids of my own, I always thought I would be watching my friends from the sidelines with their families but here I was with my own "Joonie, thank you for your support all these years and never leaving me or giving up on me" I leaned over and kissed Namjoon's cheek "Uh, I don't know where that came from but you're welcome. I love you" Namjoon leaned over this time and captured my lips in a kiss which made me giggle and kiss back

"I think we should buy a house next~"

"Let's do it"



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