5. Let's Do It

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Apr 5, 2021

It's been a little less than a month since our fight but everything has seemed to go back to normal, well, as normal as it gets for a boyfriend who doesn't come to bed anymore and works all the time... I came home from work a little later than usual since the restaurant was crowded tonight and expected Namjoon to be shut up in the office space

I quietly opened the door to the apartment, unsure if it was because I didn't want to disturb Namjoon or because I didn't want him to know I was home yet. I closed the door behind me and set my bag on the floor by the door before going to the kitchen for a snack, I noticed the counters were still clean as when I left this morning which meant Namjoon hasn't eaten all-day

I exhaled and looked over my shoulder at the closed office door before turning back to the fridge and getting out some condiments for a sandwich. After making the sandwich I carried the plate to the office, hesitating at the door before knocking softly "Come in" Namjoon's tired voice echoed through the wooden door. I entered the room as quietly as I could and closed the door behind me while standing at the door, feeling out of place and uncomfortable even in front of Namjoon "Jin, why did you knock? You can just come in. And what are you standing over there for? Come here" Namjoon took his glasses off and turned his chair to the side while motioning me over

I neared and rounded the corner of the desk, setting the plate on the desk near the stack of papers Namjoon had yet to go through "I thought you might be hungry" I stated simply and Namjoon smiled a little "Thanks...come here" Namjoon gently grabbed me by the waist and guided me onto his lap basically side-saddle which made me blush softly "Namjoon..." I mumbled, nervously but Namjoon chuckled and shook his head "It's nothing sexual, you can relax, you're just sitting in my lap"

I relaxed a little but was still nervous since Namjoon was staring at my face "I should go so you could get back to work" I bit my lip and started to stand but Namjoon stopped me and made me stay put "Wait, don't go just yet" I looked at Namjoon in confusion on why he was acting this way but didn't say anything "Uh...Jin, it's been a while since I asked you this but please know I mean it and that doesn't mean you should feel pressured to accept it because I will wait for you no matter what-" Namjoon rambled

I shook my head in confusion "Namjoon, what is it?" I finally cut him off so he would get to the point "Ah..." Namjoon exhaled and reached into one of the drawers on the desk where he pulled out a black velvet ring box. He slowly opened it, his arms around me "Will you marry me?" Namjoon made sure the ring was on full display before looking up at me

My eyes were wide and sparkling from the shine of the diamond on the ring, it was one of the biggest diamonds I have seen on a ring in person and I knew this must have cost him a pretty penny "Namjoon..." I started, voice shaky, but Namjoon cut me off "I know, you can't allow yourself to be happy with me just yet, I understand but I wanted to ask again now that-" Namjoon began shutting the ring box but I quickly stopped him and snatched the box "No, I wanna marry you! Please Namjoon...I'm ready for it, I'm sure of it" I looked over at Namjoon who was obviously stunned at my response "Y-you're serious? You're gonna marry me?" Namjoon gaped and I nodded, looking back at the ring

Namjoon noticed the way I looked at the ring "You're not just saying this because of the size of the diamond, are you?" Namjoon was a little saddened at such a thought but I quickly shut that down with a shake of my head as I gave him the ring box back "No. I'm saying yes because I love you and I'm ready to be with you in a new chapter" Namjoon smiled and removed the ring from the box before taking my left hand and sliding the ring onto my finger "I love you, Kim Seokjin" Namjoon whispered

"I love you too, Kim Namjoon" I smiled before the both of us leaned in and kissed passionately. We pulled away and I stood up "I should let you work now, and you should eat" I pointed to the sandwich on the plate and Namjoon nodded in agreement. I nodded and left the room, shutting the door behind me before I took a moment to admire my ring and eventually deciding to call Jungkook up and tell him that I was getting married

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