7. I Am Confusion

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Jul 19, 2021

I woke up and quickly rushed to the bathroom to throw up, for the past week I've been throwing up often and feel terrible, I've taken off from work since I figured I just caught a cold, Namjoon has been very caring to me since I got sick and when he's not working he's normally cuddling with me to make me feel better

Today I have an appointment at the doctors to hopefully get some antibiotics to get rid of this cold so I could go back to work, Namjoon offered to take off work to go with me but I declined. I finished throwing up and flushed the toilet before standing up and brushing my teeth, by then Namjoon came into the bathroom and hugged me from behind, his arms loosely around my hips "How're you feeling?" Namjoon whispered softly before kissing my neck

I exhaled, bending slightly to spit into the sink "Horrible. I hope the doctor gives me something to stop this" I complained while leaning into Namjoon who chuckled softly "I'm sorry you feel so bad, I wish I were the one who was sick" Namjoon rubbed my sides soothingly which made me smile "Thanks, but you're such a big baby when you're sick that I prefer it be me" I chuckled and finished brushing before turning around in Namjoon's arms to see he was pouting

I giggled "Don't give me that look, you know it's true" I booped his nose and Namjoon chuckled, releasing me so I could get ready to leave "Ok...don't forget to call me as soon as you get out, alright?" Namjoon followed me into the bedroom "I will, but I'll be coming straight home so" I smiled while looking over my shoulder at Namjoon "I know, but still call me, ok?" Namjoon seemed nervous like he was expecting me to be severely sick

"Namjoon, it's just a cold, why are you worried?" I asked with furrowed brows as I changed clothes "I'm just worried is all, I lost a lot of close family members to sickness" Namjoon confessed "Oh, I didn't know...I promise I'll call" I walked up to Namjoon and pecked his lips "I gotta go now" I patted his cheek and headed for the door "Ok, I'll be working but if something happens I'll be there" Namjoon reassured. I nodded with a smile and left the apartment

I arrived at the doctor and got checked in, the waiting time wasn't long and after the nurse did their routine check I was left in the room to wait for a doctor, who had me repeat my symptoms and decided to order a blood test, a strep test, a flu test, and an ultrasound. The strep was negative, the flu was negative, the blood tests were all normal and I was then prepped for the ultrasound

The nurse spread the gel on my stomach before placing the stick on it and rubbing it around slowly "Um, can I ask why I'm getting an ultrasound?" I asked in confusion, the nurse turned to look at me "Sure, the doctor called for an ultrasound because your other tests were all normal and negative and no sign of sickness was found so he's going on a hunch that maybe you're- ah, you sure are, look here" The nurse smiled and turned the screen for me to see the dark shape within the white noise "Is that...?" I started, already tearing up

The nurse nodded "That's a baby right there. Congratulations" The girl smiled and took some pictures before cleaning up the gel "I'll go print these out for you" The nurse left the room as I began ugly crying, I was pregnant and was gonna be a parent, something I've wanted longer than wanting my dream job

I got my pictures and left the doctor, still sobbing while staring at the picture and rubbing my stomach gently, I was supposed to call Namjoon but I knew I couldn't stop crying long enough to do so and that would freak him out so I decided to wait, plus I'd get to see his face when I told him

I arrived home and by then I had stopped crying but as I opened the door to our apartment I was met with a worried Namjoon pacing the living room "Namjoon?" I called out to him and he immediately stopped and faced me before rushing over to me and hugging me "Jin! You said you would call, why didn't you call? I was so worried!" Namjoon was shaking from worry

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