The Next Morning: Part 5

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She was ready hours before he arrived. She had attempted to work, but kept getting lost in thoughts of the man she would spend the rest of the day with. He was a mystery to her, a puzzle really. She knew the man behind the phone but did not know the man in the flesh. In a way, it almost felt as if they were two different people, and she wanted to know everything she could about the real Matthew.

Her article had been written and sent to her contact at the paper just moments before she heard a knock at the door. Her mind was whirling with excitement as she closed her laptop and picked up her small purse, letting it hang from her shoulder down to her hip. She looked down at her summer dress one more time, running her hands down the front to straighten it as she stood.

"Your mystery man is here," Tessa said with a smirk as she lifted the remote to turn down the volume of the television to low background noise.

"I'm going... I'm going. Do I look okay?" It was a useless question since she didn't have time to change. Tessa looked her over and let out a solid 'Mhm' with a sharp nod of her head as she took a sip from her wine glass. Juliet eyed it intensely as her roommate placed it down on the coffee table in front of her. She debated downing its contents and went to reach for it when Tessa swooped it up quickly and clenched it tightly to her chest possessively.

Juliet did not realize how long she had been standing there, glaring at her roommate until she heard his hard knuckles rapped against the door a second time. "Don't make the poor guy wait. Three months is long enough, don't you think?" Tessa said with a laugh. Juliet huffed unamused at the wink that was sent her way.

Her hand wrapped around the cold knob of the door as she pulled it open. He stood before her in a black button-up shirt. She felt as her body temperature rose slightly at the sight of the unused top two buttons that exposed more of his smooth, tanned skin. It was a failed attempt with her mouth being as dry as the Sahara Desert, but Juliet swallowed hard at the sight before her. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and the dark jeans hugged his muscular thighs beautifully.

"Hi," She managed to get out in a whisper as her eyes made contact with his. She could see the smile across his face and the creases around his eyes as a result, but something about his eyes managed to remain hard and calculating as he scanned her over. Her back straightened as did his and when he whispered back, she felt a thrill go through her.

"Hi." It was short and sweet, but his deep voice rolled over her and sent a chill down her spine. "You look breathtaking." He said as he turned slightly and stretched out his arm toward her. "Shall we?"

Juliet stepped out of her apartment. When she turned to close the door she shot a glare at Tessa who was fanning herself, giving Juliet a nod of approval.

"We shall." She said as she wrapped her arm around his extended one. It was a suave move, very gentlemanly, and she enjoyed every second of it.

He moved his elbow in, pulling her closer. They walked from her entryway that faced the courtyard, to the pathway that wound around her building toward the parking lot. As soon as they rounded the corner, Matthew spun her around him, putting her back against the outside wall of the apartment. It was only the two of them on the walkway, and Juliet blushed at the thought of someone walking up and seeing them as he pressed against her. Her breath caught as she felt every inch of his body molding into hers. Her legs gave out slightly, but he held her up with his hands on her waist. Her eyes were trapped by his hazel orbs, burning back into her.

"What are you doing?" She asked breathlessly as she placed her hands on the hard surface of his chest.

"I don't want you to run this time." He responded. She could feel the deep rumble of his voice through his chest as she slid her hands down an inch over his pectoral muscles. It was an involuntary move, but as she felt his chest flex beneath her touch, she couldn't help but feel proud that she caused a reaction in him.

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