With a Bang: Part 22

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Juliet couldn't hear past the ringing in her ears, but that was nothing compared to the blinding light. She squeezed her one previously working eye shut as her body protested the bright flash. Something brushed by her shoulder and she jumped with fright only to be held down by her restraints. The panic she had previously felt came back full force as the ties that held her mixed with her disorientation, and she was sure the walls of the room had begun to close in on her.

Her eye blinked rapidly as she shook her head from side to side in an attempt to get her sight and hearing back. The cool air of the room was thick as she took in large gasps of air and continued to rip at her restraints, not noticing the blood that dripped from her wrists or ankles. She just needed to get free.

It was only a minute that she had lost her sight and hearing, but when she felt warm hands clamp down on her shoulders, she began to scream. They pressed down onto her and held her in the hard chair as she struggled to get free. Her head whipped around in an attempt to hit the person before her vision began to return and the ringing in her ears started to die.

"Juli.... need.... stop .....ing." The voice was strange but as she blinked the spots from her vision, her eyes landed on the blonde in front of her. He looked different than she had seen before, colder, as he scanned her over. "Juliet, can you hear me now? We are here to help. I need you to stop moving."

It was then that she realized she had still been ripping at the binds and sagged into her seat as she saw another man in the room as well. She was out numbered...again.

The second man put his hand up to his ear and he listened for a moment before responding in a voice softer than she had expected. "Copy, we have the package." He turned to his partner and gave his a short nod as he placed his weapon back in the holster at his hip.

"Juliet?" The tall man asked again and she turned back to glare at man.

"You again?" She spat out as she attempted to look down at her legs to see if she had made any progress to free herself. Even though she wasn't able to see her ankles, she could feel that she did nothing but make her situation worse as the plastic zip-ties were now embedded into her flesh. "You're like a fucking bug that I can't crush. What do you want from me?"

The second man in the room let out a big laugh that startled Juliet from how quiet he had spoken a moment ago, and she stilled completely in her chair as she met his eyes with a deadly glare.

"We are here to help you." The blonde said again with an irritated sigh. "I'm going to cut you free, okay?"

She had seen this before on television. The good cop, bad cop act. She wondered where the bad cop went but when she felt her binds being cut free, the thought temporarily left her mind and she let out a hiss of pain when the plastic was pulled from her wounds.

"Medic is on their way up, just hang tight for a moment." The shorter man said to her but she didn't listen. As soon as her ankles were cut free, she rose on shaky legs to her feet and stumbled toward the door; toward her freedom.

"Hey, hey." The soft voice spoke again as he wrapped his arms around her waist to keep her from falling. She didn't fail to notice that it also kept her from leaving and she began to struggle against him. "Calm down! We work with Matthew."

She could feel tears build up and her vision blurred at his name. If they worked together then where was he? He wouldn't just leave her there. Matthew would have come for her.

A familiar body on the floor caught her attention, and she let out a strangled sob at the blood that was rapidly pooling out from under the fat man's chest and head. For a moment she questioned why they would kill him if they worked together but all she could focus on was her freedom.

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