Hawk-Eye: Part 18

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"There are more cameras around the house, but they should only be turned on when there's a security breach. The main ones are the automated motion sensor one on the office door, and the ones that line the perimeter of the house." Matthew explained calmly as he pointed to top of the television to signal one of the hidden cameras. After closer inspection Juliet noticed that there was, in fact, a camera at the top of the flat screen; similar to what one would see on a laptop. As much as she wanted to shy away from it, she knew no matter where she hid, she would still be seen from the various other hidden devices that she did not know about.

"The mudroom when I was changing, does someone have a video of that somewhere? Or the bedroom this morning?" She asked bitterly, and Matthew cringed at her tone. She made the betrayal that she was feeling very clear with every word she spat at him.

"No!" He quickly confirmed. "There is no camera in those rooms, just in the main areas and those only turn on when they're triggered."

Juliet nodded as she accepted his answer, but kept her arms crossed against her chest.

"When I pulled the gun, it triggered an alert to a member of our surveillance team that the security of the house was in question. It turned on the cameras immediately so he could see what was going on." He explained slowly as he chose his words carefully.


"Yes, Hawk." He grunted still annoyed by the phone call earlier. "Speaking of that prick, if you get a call from an unknown number, don't answer it. He takes pride in annoying me, and was insisting on saying hello to you."

"How would he.... Never mind! Of course he would be able to find my number. I forgot for a moment that I have no privacy anymore!" Juliet yelled as she stormed off down the hallway to grab a pillow from his bed, and sent a pointed glare to the camera as she passed it. Matthew followed behind her in confusion. He stopped short when she pushed past him to head back to the living room.

"What about the lights?" She demanded as she threw the pillow onto the couch and grabbed the olive green throw to spread it out. The frown on Matthew's face got noticeably deeper as he watched her convert the couch into a bed. It wasn't that she didn't want to sleep next to him, but she knew that she would need some time and space to get her thoughts together. She looked over at him after a moment of silence as she waited for a response. His jaw was tight as he stared down at the pillow but she could see the conflict in his eyes.

"Look, I promise that I will give you as many answers as I can when the storm passes and we can go somewhere else." He said in a low voice as he walked over to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. The warmth of his rough and calloused palms did not send the normal collection of butterflies or excitement through her. Instead she was angry. She knew it was not true, but in that moment she felt as though her time with Matthew was just another failed attempt to find love. There were too many lies already, and that was not something she wanted to deal with.

Curse who ever created online dating! She thought, as she shrugged to wiggle away from his reach.

It was evident in his tone that he wasn't going to explain further until they could be somewhere else, and she understood why. Anyone could be watching them at any time.

"Fine." Juliet stretched out on the couch and pulled the blanket over her as she turned on her side, and refused to look at the man before her. "Can you please turn off the lights when you leave the room or will the eye in the sky watching me right now get it for us?"

Matthew stared at her silently before he turned and walked with an angry stride to his room, flicking off the light switch as he went. A tear fell from her eye as she heard his bedroom door close loudly. It didn't take long for her to stop the waterworks and turn her glare to the ceiling, as she thought through the events of that night.

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