Letter From Juliet

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My Matthew,

I was never one to fall blindly and fully for anyone or anything. The last thing I was expecting when you messaged me, was to find a man as perfect as you. You stole my heart faster than I ever thought would be possible, and I want to thank you for everything. I know this is not how things were supposed to go and I understand why you kept your secrets. Every time you tried to tell me but couldn't, I reacted poorly and for that I am immensely sorry. I have never wanted anyone as much as I want you. Not for one day or one night together, but for forever. I will never forget the butterflies, the laughter, nor will I forget the way it felt to be in your arms. Being with you was the best decision that I have ever made. If I could change one thing about us, I would have met you sooner so we could have had more time together.

If you are reading this, it means that you made it home safe. That is all that I want for you, is for you to come home to me. Maybe one day, when this is all over we will find each other again. When that day comes, I will be ready for it and will never let you go. I hope you don't forget me and the time that we spent together, as it was the best time of my life. You will always be my Matthew.

I love you.


Your Juliet


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