....I wish I can....

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At hospital... In afternoon..

Zhan is in hospital and laying down on his bed thinking about yibo.. And then about his school, his teacher friends, his students and about their classes..
His inner thoughts..
I don't know what they are doing ..?
And also they didn't come to meet me at once.. They are.. Seriously..
Once I get discharge I am not going to talk them properly.. Huh..

( actually the truth behind this they didn't know about zhan's condition until that day..when one student suddenly meet yu bin.. Because he came to see principal and director of school about zhan's absence to tell them truth and they know him.. And he accidentally meet zhan's one student and the student asked him about zhan and yu bin told him that he is not well.. And he is admitted at xxxx hospital ( sorry for hospital's name I really can't help with it🙏)..
And then he meet them and tell them everything and leaves application for zhan's sudden absence.. And then the student who knows about it.. Tell everyone that his favourite teacher is not well..)
And then zhan have 20 visitors.,everyday..at gap of every one hour.. like they prepare it... That way.. And now hospital staff is already habit of it.. But these is new for them everyday 20 visitors, and gaping timing of visitors.. Really..

And now It's been two nights..

They didn't talk properly.. They both acting weird lately.. When xiao zhan appeared in front of yibo , yibo tries to run away.. And when yibo appeared in front of xiao zhan, zhan tries to run away..

But they forget every time yibo is zhan's doctor and zhan is yibo's patient.. And in the last their all afford is turn in to waste..

And xiao zhan is recovering fast.. So yibo don't have any excuses left to stop xiao zhan from discharging.. And yu bin is also noticing all the things.. He found out its weird.. He tries to know that what is going on between them..but he understands that they again fought about something..And lately cheng somehow found out yu bin's number and calling him when when he was free.. But he really don't know how cheng know when he was free or when he was not..but deeply inside he is happy..

Hospital's other side..

Hai kuan and zhu zan jin's relationship is going smooth from before..

Hai kuan as he know about Jin's sickness.. Every time he tries to be with him and take care of jin.. Because kuan is all alone and about his parents.. They leaves in other state..
And hai kuan's all time passes in the hospital.. And zhu zan jin is now, habit of his daily schedule and like hai kuan , hai kuan is also important habit of jin...

Hai kuan - jin eat your breakfast... And then take your medicine in time.. And take rest properly...

Zhu zan jin - yes sir.. ( act like saluting him and then smile a little)

Hai kuan - okk I am going.. I have to attend patients.. And do all what I said.. ( and he leans closer to him and kissed his forehead and zhu zan jin who didn't know about this sudden lovely protective kiss got shocked and blushed anyone can easily see that in his face..)

And then jin nodded as agreement...
His inner thoughts..

Why he is so gentle to me..
Why he always feels me so special.. Like no one..
Why.. I don't understand you.. Dear kuan...

What you said ( his inner thighs)
Dear kuan..?

Oye you like him..

No.. ( struggling from his inner self and blushing like mad)


I said no..

I said yes..

No.. Can you stop please..

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