"Can you focus on your study for a while?"
"If i pass the exam,will you be my girlfriend?"
Yujin stuck with her sunbae because his parents asked for her help to tutor their son Kim Taehyung
She happen to transfer at his school and had to tutor him
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Author P.O.V
Yujin and Hyunjin were sitting at the front while hearing Miss Jung talking about the case.
Minhee were crying mess because they might be sentence to attend the jail school where bad student thrown out from their school for having a case.
Taehyung P.O.V
Exam is coming and i have to pass this time in order to make Yujin be my girlfriend.
3 days more before exam
"You can do this,Taehyung-AHH HUWA DAEBAK 19 YEARS JAIL?" I was startled by Jimin sudden out burst
He show us his phone that have article about the cases.
"They deserve it for killing her" Yoongi mumble out loud and put the mochi inside his mouth
"Did they tell how much their family got sued?" Jin ask,scrolling at Jimin phone while i just sit here,doing nothing.
"Oh,they didn't put it here"
"Back to story!Anyway Taehyung you can do it" Jimin continue our story back then
Why do we take this as a serious matter?
"You look so desperate,you can easily just ask her be your girlfriend in easy way" Jungkook interrupt,he got the point.Why can i be so dumb?
I could have just ask her in a normal way
"This is all your fault" I smack Jimin shoulder when i remember he was the one who gave me this stupid idea
"I heard that Seungcheol like Yujin too" Hoseok said makes my heart stop for a moment.
I can't,this is like a game Jimin give to me.I can't let Seungcheol win..
Skip to first day of exam day
Author P.O.V
"Yujin-ah!Fighting" Seungcheol wink at her before seperating their way.While Taehyung watch them full of jealousy and Jungkook have to watch Taehyung become stupid today.
"Hyung,why did you look mad?" Jungkook ask when he saw Taehyung ball his fist
"What if i did?There's nothing wrong with it" Taehyung roll his eyes,but then the memory of them both fighting come to his mind.
"YAH!Why did you guys still standing there!The exam will start in 10 minutes!" Mr Park who happen saw them standing at the corridor yell at them
They both quickly seperate their ways with a smile on their face.
As time flew by,it's time for them to go back.Seungcheol on the other hand were waiting for Yujin at the corridor
"Choi Seungcheol" Yujin yell his name once they make an eye contact,She run leaving Jungkook and Seohyun at the back.
Jungkook and Seohyun roll their eyes as they both stare at the both acting lovey-dovey.
They just know each other more than 1 week and a half yet they were acting as if they were a couple.
"Wanna go back together?" Seungcheol suggest her but to his avail Yujin shook her head while smiling.
"My brother is picking me up,as usual" She press the word as usual because it's her brother routine to pick her up from school
"Well,that's okay then.Chat me later"
"YAH!HOW CAN YOU FORGET ABOUT YOUR FRIEND HUH?" Seohyun yell and was about to pinch Yujin arm but she stop when she saw Taehyung are coming towards their way.
"Tsk,Seungcheol is my friend too" Yujin tuck out her tounge
"Yujin-ah,your brother is here.Let's go" Taehyung said in a cold way that make Yujin look at him in a weird way
Why so sudden?
"YAH CHOI SEUNGCHEOL!" Seungkwan loud voice make the whole student look at him like an alien
Seungcheol wave at Yujin before walk away from them."Yeish,i will kick your ass if you forget about the promise" Taehyung roll his eyes
"You....falling for me?Geuji?" Yujin tease him,she's not in the mood in argue so why not teasing?Aight.
"Ani" Taehyung deny
"That's good" "See you tomorrow Seohyun-ah"
"Hold on,where's Jungkook?" "BYE JUNGKOOK" She yell while waving her hand when she saw Jungkook who are now talking with Jin
Seohyun stare at Yujin as if she has commited a really big problem.Today she's kinda talk-active.
Hyunjin P.O.V
I was smiling when i saw the smile on her face again.
She finally can smile whenever she want after we sent Areum to school jail.
Yujin and Taehyung didn't saw me at the entrance school as they all were busy talking.
The way Yujin act really childish today,her voice even echo the whole school.
"Omo!" "He's so handsome" "Who is he?"
I bow my head towards the girl and quickly went towards Yujin way.
"Yujin-ah,let's go" I pat at her shoulder making she flinch
"Ahh...dae" She lowered her voice "You too Taehyung" I said
I stop my step when i remember,Yujin and Taehyung fighting the other day.
"Taehyung-ah,did you hurt my sister head when you guys were fighting?" I ask them as i stop my step and look at them
"Ani" He shook his head
"Stop talking nonsense" I flinch when i heard Yujin deep voice,she do it on purpose though.
Author P.O.V
"So how was your exam?Is it okay?" Yujin ask Taehyung as they both were doing some revision together in the silent room.
"Yeah,thanks to you for helping me to improve my grammar" Taehyung mumble,his eyes still stuck on the short notes that Namjoon gave to him.
"Remember the promise?"
Yujin leave out a heavy sigh when Taehyung remind her that stupid promise again.
"For how long?Student at our school didn't call you pervert anyway" She roll her eyes and was about to throw the eraser at Taehyung head but she stop when her eyes met his.
"What if i fall for you?" Here goes the flirty Taehyung
"Shut up perv--"
"Call me pervert i will do the things you hate" Taehyung tease Yujin that was remind them how Taehyung went kissed Yujin for calling him some words that he didn't like
"You asked me for how long?How about until...i'm done with my high school?"
Yujin shot him a death stare before putting the earphone on her ears.
He smile when Yujin ignore him,the feeling start to grow up in his heart slowly.He hate it when his heart beat so fast around Yujin if they both stay at the study room.