Chapter 2: As a Stranger

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The loudspeaker echoed through the halls.

Me and my older brother and sister were traveling back to Utah after all these years to visit our Grandparents for their 50th anniversary and birthdays. I though it was cool that they shared a birthday, but a little funny that they decided to get married on it too. Once, I asked Grandma Lynn about it once, and she always said that is was so that Grandpa Jack wouldn't forget.

Mom said she never wanted to go back to Utah ever again, so she finally decided to let us kids go on our own, even though both my older siblings are legal adults and could probably have gone on their own, the decision was mostly for my sake, since I was "still a minor"

I hugged my purple travel pillow close to my chest looking over at my sister, Diana. She had her yellow wireless headphones on and was leaning on her boyfriend, Nick's, shoulder, whom she had neglected to tell mom and dad she was bringing. They had told her after they found out that she could only bring him if Grandma said yes- and of course, she did.

I knew that both of the lovebirds weren't paying attention to the announcements, so I turned to my brother, Vince, who looked as pale as death itself and was desperately gripping the edge of the seat in sheer terror. Vince had always been scared of flying, but mom insisted on him coming because in her opinion, he needed to face his fear. And as an added bonus for herself, she didn't want him home while the girls were off in another state because she wanted some time for herself.

I did agree that flying was a little nerve racking, but Vince took Aerophobia to the next level.


Oh well, it's up to me now.

I looked down at my ticket. 22D. I was expecting Diana and Nick to sit next to each other, so I chose the ticket near the window next to Vince. He's told me several times that he hates sitting next to the window because he doesn't even have to imagine how high up they are, he can just see it for himself.

I started focusing on the speaker for our seats, when I heard a shout behind me, and there was a tired, young woman with a man who was carrying a crying baby. They looked like they were getting on our flight too. Absolutely fantastic, and just my luck too. I guess there's not peaceful flight for us today.

Just as I was about to turn around, a bright shop caught my eye, and I saw a hat rack with a few bucket hats in various colors.


Even though I hadn't seen him for 4 years, his young face came to my mind with no trouble.

We had emailed back and forth for a while, but after a month or so, we were down to one sentence messages. After that, they were farther and farther apart until one day they just stopped altogether.

From what I had heard from the emails, he worked with my grandparents at the coffee shop that they owned downtown. I didn't know whether or not he was still working there, but thought maybe a gift would ease the awkwardness between us.


Snapping back to reality, I got up to take a better look.

Weaving my way through the chaos of the airport hallway, I bumped into a boy around my age.

Focused on the other side of the hallway I mumbled an apology and something about not being a pick pocketer and brushed past him without looking back.

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