Thank You Page

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Thank You To All The Beautiful Angels Who Made This Book Possible...

When I first wrote the story, "The Beautiful Angel (A Christmas Love Story)", I was a student under Paul Peditto, studying screenwriting at Chicago Filmmakers.  

Yes... this story actually started out as a screenplay and actually made it to the second round of a prestigious competition. But, the first time I knew that "Beautiful Angel" would be something special wasn't when it advanced past the first round. Rather, it was when I gave it to my friend to read... 

She told me she cried when she was read the story. Since then, so many others have been emotionally moved by this story. Admittedly, even I found myself touched, not the least because this was inspired by my own personal story. 

Much like how Morgan came into George's life and helped him become a person he would never have become (and likewise, George coming into Morgan's life to help her realize things about herself she otherwise never would have known), there have been so many people who have come together to help me make this story the best it can be:

First and foremost, to Paul Peditto, screenwriting professor at Columbia College here in Chicago and also teaches screenwriting at Chicago Filmmakers (, who helped me reach the second round (top 25%) of a national screenwriting competition and continued helping me rewrite and develop this story, along with helping me with the table reading by reading screen directions. 

Also, to Ailee Banks, who did an amazing job in helping me adapt this screenplay into fiction.  

I'd also like to thank Sara Wright (The Wright Word, LTD) for her valuable advice and help with writing. 

Special thanks also goes to Rebecca Rayfield and Tim Huddleston and Naomi Beaty for their valuable advice and their help in making this story the very best it can be. 

I would also like to thank Lisa Morgan ( for helping me set up the table reading by referring to me some amazing actors and speaking of amazing actors... 

Also, thank you, Becky Stocchetti from Chicago Filmmakers for helping me set up the table reading and for Chicago Filmmakers for allowing me to rent their space (and they also have some amazing film classes). 

I'd also love to thank the following actors for their tremendous help. Every one of them are amazing.

1. Erin Allegretti (thanks, Erin, for helping find actors :)). 

2. Jose Gonzalez Castro. 

3. Kelley Klebenow. 

4. Kristen Klebenow (thanks, Kristen, for referring Lisa Morgan to me). 

5. Kathryn Klebenow. 

6. Parker Klebenow. 

7. Samantha Mele. 

8. Tali Rabinowitz. 

9. Brian Alex Clark. 

10. Mary Lipari. 

11. Kristine Mroz. 

12. Tommy Mroz.

I would also like to thank Dave Miller ( for his wonderful job in filming the table/staged reading. 

Special thanks to Antoinette Kizak, dramaturg, and Mike Chyba for their advice and Jeff Brown for his help in preparing the songs I plan to put up in my website (as soon as it's complete), along with  

Also, I would like to thank Marissa Anne Eurek, the super talented artist who designed the illustrations for me. 

Also, special thanks to Victoria at Killer Covers ( for helping me format this e-book, to for the book cover and so many others who have truly made this e-book possible, you are truly the "Beautiful Angels" in my life.


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