I Got You.

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-6am at some random beach. December 18, 2018

As time goes by memories started disappearing. My mind, wanting to delete everything still want to hold onto it. I can't.

I'm drowning.

"Someone please help." I screamed without voice. I wanted to die, but half of me don't. I am so confused. It's like everything is moving slowly even the time. They said you can drown in a snap. but why does everything feels so slow. I gave up. That's what happened. I smiled thinking of all the pain and smiled. After all the water I drank from fighting to live, I remembered this is what I want. Still holding my hand up high, I saw light. Goodbye memories. I thought to myself. Then everything went dark.


Someone's POV. 

I decided to walk, to start my morning routine. Aside from eating breakfast and taking a shower of course. It's a weekday, and I'm bored as hell. I love going to the sea and pretend I am myself. Well my real self to be exact. The other me? I'd like to say, I'm a happy-go-lucky girl. That's what I wanted them to know me as. Not because I am not happy. I am restrained. So I do what I can in this place. The real me is weak...and...ugh. let's not talk about it now. It'll just ruin my mood. 

While walking near the beach, I am a bit surprised. "A guy? This early? Wow. He might be sad." I thought to myself. I jumped at the barricades to go the beach. The entrance is like just there, but why not jump, right? I don't know what got me but I just watched the guy. I think he's crying... For minutes I just watched him cry. It kinda brought my sadness as well. "Aigoo, this guy is such a mood killer" I told myself while shaking my head. I still watched. Oh gosh. I should stop this. I look like a creep. Wait no! I'm too beautiful to be a creep. "ha ha" I laughed to myself a little bit too loud. I gasped and covered my mouth. He might hear me. Or not. 

"Oh! It's sunrise!! Finally!" I took my camera and took pictures of the sunrise. I then look at the guy at my lenses. "I wonder what's his burden?" I asked at my camera. Of course it will not reply. "Yeba!" I told to myself and laughed. 

Still looking at him at my camera, I zoomed in. He stood up. "He finally moved." He faced to where I'm at. I faced somewhere else. "Did he see me?" Or not again. I sighed. I saw him removing at his jacket and walked to the sea. My heart suddenly  got faster. "Oh no. Oh no" I panicked. It's not like I'm expecting him to commit suicide but I just felt he's doing it. "I'm just a bit over-reacting." He just might be swimming. I just watched. After a few minutes of watching, I got really scared. It doesn't feel right. I didn't see him like asking for help, but I can't see him either. I called my brother and asked help. He told me to stay in put and wait for him. Our house is near so I can wait. Can I? He's dying!! My mind is like scrambled from the thoughts I have now. I put down my camera and run to the beach. 

"I must help him. I need to save him." I said. 

I dove into the water and tried to find him. Ugh! This freaking sea hurts my eye!!!! I searched for air. I dove back again. I saw white and swam onto it fast. This part is so deep. I'm scared but I must save him. I reached for his hand. "I got you." I said while swimming back to the surface so I can breathe, then I swam pulling him to the shore.

"No! no, no, no! Please be alive." I touched his cheeks. "Hey, are you okay?" Oh gosh of course he's not okay. Why should I ask that. Still panicking inside, I tried to find solution, I did CPR on his chest but he's still unconscious. 

"I'm sorry!" , I closed my eyes and apologised. I did CPR on him. Again. and again. and again. 

Finally he spit some water. That's a good sign. He looked at me squinting and conked out. My brother almost in time arrived. Wait he's not on time! 

"Is he okay?" He asked. I nodded. "We should bring him to the hospital." I told him holding my lips. 

"Wait. did you..." he looked at me and at the guy and at me again. 

I pouted. " If you're only faster. I didn't have to. " I smacked his arms hard. He laughed but massaged his arms. "Byulie, we can't bring him to the hospital. My car broke." He patted my head. "We should bring him to our house and let him rest. I'm sure he'll be fine, with you doing.." before he even continued to speak, I kicked him. "Yah! Why would you! Minhyuk oppa, can you stop?" I commanded him. Maybe he got hurt so bad he's limping a bit. 

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Let's go and bring him to Eomma."

"Okay, I'll grab his things. Oh! and my camera. wait for me." 

I grabbed everything including my camera. "Oppa, he has a car." 

"It's his. Not ours. I don't want to be labeled as a thief if something got lost. We still don't know him."

"wait why?" I pouted. "Here's his wallet." I checked on his IDs. "Kim Seokjin..."

"Stop imagining your kiss byulie and help me carry him."

"You can carry him alone." I walked trying to look cool.

"That won't work to me, Moon Byul Yi. If you didn't kicked me, it's easy. but you did." 

"Fine!" He sound serious so I obliged. 

Actually I didn't felt weight. Maybe oppa still carried him. I'm just like a support.

It is still a distance from the beach to our house. I glanced at the guy we're carrying. He is actually not bad. He's handsome with uhm...toned muscles. I shook my head to remove the thoughts. I touched my lips. Goodbye first kiss. He was my first kiss. I unconsciously smiled.

"Can we go faster?"

"We'll go if you'll go faster oppa. You're carrying him" I chuckled. 

"You're slowing me down byulie. You're not helping me." 

He slid the guy upward so he can adjust his grip on him. 

"Aigoo. this guy is thin but weighs as much as me."

"You're just weak." I joked. 

I saw our house and felt happy. It felt like I ran a mile for that. 

"This is one of a kind morning exercise, byul"


"Just kidding." Bring him to Seulgi's room he can stay there for a while. While he's recovering."

We went to my sister's room and lay him down on the bed. I think he'll be sleeping for a while. 

"Thanks oppa! You're the best!"

"Whoo! looks like she's in a good mood!"

I glared at him and he kept silent giggling. I continued my day while he stayed sleeping. 


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