Chapter 4: Friend Request

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Q- How many languages can you speak?
A- Three fluently and four a little.

Started Typing On – 19/04/2020
Chapter 4: Friend Request

Aditi had helped Dhruv buy everything he needed at a good price. He once tried to persuade her by saying, 'I can pay. I think the price is fair.' To which she surprisingly told him to shut up and let her talk. In the end he saved quite a lot of money.

"He was fooling you around. They always do that to guys." She snorts heading in her cars directions.

Dhruv just hums in return but his brain was trying to come up with something to spend more time with her. She definitely spoke much more than he did to her, even though it was about the food but he was still happy. "Y-yeah. T-thank."

Aditi notices the stutter coming out in shyness. This was her last night with Jay. Only difference was she wasn't stuttering out of sheepishness but discomfort. Wow. A shy guy. So cool. "Your—um, you want me to drop you?"

"No—oh," he looks around to find himself standing by her car. He mutters something unpleasant and perhaps embarrassing underneath his breath and looks around everywhere but her. "So-sorry. I-I did—did—"

A tiny—tinniest—smile marries her face. Dhruv could take it as an insult so Aditi tries to hide it with by chewing on her lip. She unlocks her car, looking away him and shoves her wallet inside. When she looks back at him again she's not smiling. She succeeded to hide it from him.

"I can drop you, if you want?"

She never stuttered or tripped on her sentences. Either she wasn't shy like him—from his judgment—or she wasn't shy at all. That's a stupid question he wants the answer to. "N—no. My car is perfect and I'll get it towed." 

"Huh?" Her brows dive-in together. "Your cars fine but you'll get it towed? Why?"

God. He wanted to hit himself on the head and face palm too. He grits his teeth. He's done it again—got nervous, exchanged his perfectly alright word with something stupid out of anxiety.

He licks his lips before speaking as if to gain some confidence, "My bad. I meant I'll drive it—are you free? W-would you want to grab some coffee? With me."

Wow. With me. Of course with me. I didn't have to add that. And then he realises what he's just said—asked. Her face changes colour into the deepest shade of rose and eyes look away from him. She looks exactly like his version of a female from her uneasy and reluctant stance. I shouldn't have.

But he did. Shocking his own-self, actually. He just really liked her. He was interested in her. And since he's said his cars perfectly fine—a stupid information she didn't need to know—Dhruv can't take her offer of dropping him home so he chose coffee. Now that seems like the wrong idea judging by her averted eyes.

"I—I can't. I'm so—" he doesn't even hear her explanation because he's too humiliated on being turned down for whatever reasons. He tries to ask her out for coffee—only Dhruv knows how much strength and will-power it took from him to ask her—and she turns the offer down.

He momently and self-consciously shakes his head. Eyes on the dirty floor with chunks of rocks around her car. "I—it's alright. I—I understand." He says in a quick breath with a few pauses in between. He stuffs his hands inside his hoodie pockets and fidgets with them in shame and uneasiness. "I'll get going."

Aditi's face falls. She didn't want to hurt him but she has to drop everything to the café first and then head to her masi's (mother's sister) house for a family dinner. She can't miss that for a mere coffee. She immediately feels guilty for coming across so brutally honest and straight-forward. "Bye." She chokes out. Dhruv nods—eyes down—and heads off. He doesn't reply to her bye.

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