2.Meet Ria Sehgel

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Although she tries to control our lives, at times act as our mother, quiet judgmental, still the best friend one could have!

-Mona Dua ( aka best friend )


Ria Sehgel! You mean, the discipline prefect Ria Sehgel? She's a fear, stricter than a teacher....wanna live? Then, stay away from her!

-Akhil ( aka trouble maker/ school bully )


Oh! Ria is an ideal student. Responsible, disciplined and studious, any teachers wish!

-Mrs.Veena ( aka class teacher)


Ria is a big (beep) and (beep) and (beep) fake! Artificial! Teacher's pet! Back biter!

Everybody thinks she is a kind and wonderful person, but she isn't, let me tell you! And one day I'll unmask her in front of everyone!

-Aiya Khurrana (aka don't ask!)


Ria di is the best!!!!

-Layla ( aka younger sister)


Ria, Ria has a pretty smile, a cute face, stunning eyes and..huh? what? ..ah..I meant that she's a very good friend of mine, that's all... really, I swear!

-Harman ( other best friend)


Ria is my sweet little darling baby, she thinks she's grown up but she'll always remain a baby for me! No matter how she shows herself to be strong and hard, inside she's just a soft little dreamer........a little girl holding her teddy in her hands and dreaming; dreams bigger than reality; dreams and visions to how to change the world; only I wish that she at times just stop and see that the world isn't that bad after all!

-Mrs. Sehgel ( aka mom)


Ria is a special soul, she's here to do something big, something for humanity.

Though right now planets indicate the arrival of some new problems, I know my, niece she's the ultimate fighter!

-Astrologer/ actor Mr. Ajay Sehgel (aka Ajay Chachu)


Ria Sehgel, ah she's the star of the school...every competition she participates she gets a prize from plays to quizzes .........she's an all-rounder, role model for the younger students........typical head girl material ( well- she'll be trying for the post next year ! ) ...she has it in her......the capability to reach the stars...............

-Mrs. Manchanda (aka Principal)


Ria? She's a great friend. Whenever you need help.....anything

from lending a pencil to solving a math's sum to getting you out of trouble she's always there. But think before you ask, she has many rights and wrongs dude, her tagline "what is wrong, is wrong and is same for all". She won't help you with cheating. Huh! Leave helping she won't even let you do it in her presence.....the girl can use those splendid eyes of hers in a way that you feel as if you are being cut into two halves...like a laser beam.....ah....bit freaking!

-Raman (aka classmate )


Ria di, uh she scolds me a lot, on everything and anything....but still, she'd the best sister in the world. I love her but don't tell her that!

-Kartik ( aka younger brother)

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